Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To You All (the losers who still check here will have to pass this along to those that have dates).

Hey... I wanted to thank you all for the very nice card and the gift card. You all really shouldn't have.... but I know that I'll find a way to use it (My new summer drink has expensive ingredients). It made my day. I really enjoyed the semester and am very proud of what you all accomplished.

I hope you all have safe and productive summers! And I hope you all stay in touch.

Best of luck to all of you!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Is anybody out there?

Am I the only loser who still checks this thing out of habit? Anyway, if there is anyone like me out there, I was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to help me out with something after the show is done. I need to get some decent pictures of my sculptures but I don't have a decent camera to take them with. I'm also not exactly comfortable in the photo lab,as I've never even had a class in there. Would anyone be willing some day this finals week to help me in getting those pictures taken? Thanks


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Janet just sent jasmine and me an e-mail stressing the importance of everyone picking up their work on MONDAY the 27th from 8AM to 12PM. If your work is not picked up by 12 they will be setting it outside the doors, so that will suck if something happens to it. if you can't pick it up, make sure you ask one of your really amazing friends to pick it up for you.
so do it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

YES. We will have class on Wednesday.

Usual place, usual time. Please be there.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Photos from DRIVEN

I burned three DVDs. One went to David for the website. The other two went to Rachel and Kara. I will burn two more copies for Wednesday. However, these need to circulate, so that everyone gets the photos. The files are huge, and I apologize. I guess post here when you have received them.

Final Assignment Cancelled

I have decided to drop the final "competitive application" assignment from the course requirements, so you do not have to turn that in next week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Final Budget

Here's what's going down: Theo got the electrical bill today. It will cost us $165.47, which includes the $40 turn on fee. I've figured all of the expenses that I know about into the budget. Some people gave me the $10 extra. I will be returning that to them before I divide up our leftovers. That seems only fair to me. After that we have two possible outcomes. I am still waiting on somebody to claim the mystery receipt. If nobody claims it then I will remove it from our expenses because I do not know who to pay back. Otherwise, if someone comes forward and I'll pay them back and then divide the money between everyone. I've uploaded the budget to the server. You can see it all by clicking on the budget link to the right. You can see on the first sheet what I have in the bank now, all of the pending charges (checks), and what we will have when all is said and done. For those of you that don't know how to click on the link to the right, I'll summarize it here for you:

We have in the bank: $846.61
Charges pending (minus mystery receipt): $670.63
Charges pending (including mystery receipt: $700.30
Expected after charges (sans MR): $175.98
Expected after charges (including MR): $146.31
What each person will get (w/o lame MR): =$175.98/20 people = $8.80/person
What each person will get (w/ lame MR): =$146.31/20 people = $7.32/person

So those last two numbers are our scenarios. Now I know what you're thinking. That is a HUGE difference. This kind of stuff can make or break a person. I'm sorry to have to break it to you this way. we'll get through it somehow. i give the mystery he/she until monday morning to get me their proof that it's theirs or i will tear their hopes and dreams up into itsy bitsy teeny tiny pieces. the end