Thursday, April 9, 2009


Alright, here's the deal. Whatever people contributed, whether it was time, services, vehicles or equipment is irrelevant. How we thank them is irrelevant.

The money that was given away to the DJ is class money. A few people had no right to take the class' money, and in reality it is stealing. It's a learning lesson for the few people who took the money, and it isn't too late for you few to learn from it. It's your responsibility to put the money back. How you get the money back into the account is YOUR problem. In the real world, if you took $55 dollars that isn't yours, there would be consequences.

If you want to down play what happened and say it's only $55, that's fine. Then it shouldn't be so hard for you to pay it back. After all, it's only $55.

It is irrelevant what you did with the money or what your intentions were. You still took money that wasn’t yours.

It's the fucking principle. In the real world, you would eat this, so eat this and put the $55 back. Don't expect the class to pay for your mistake. Act like adults and take accountability for your actions. The same people who made this decision probably wouldn't be ok with others spending the class money however they choose.

P.S. Asking Theo if it's ok with him to hand out money that isn't even his probably was a mistake.


  1. well i guess i handed the money over so i'll pay if that's the deal

  2. isn't it customary to pay a DJ? or at least tip when they've volunteered their time?

  3. Ethan, just so you know, I don't think it was a malicious act and that you or the others had bad intentions. I think it was a naive mistake, and you aren't bad people or untrustworthy. That being said, whoever came to the decision should also take accountability and I'm sure you didn't come up with the idea or make the decision on your own. If you end up paying the price on your own, then I guess it shows the character and lack of integrity of others. I would have taken accountability if I had been involved in this decision.

  4. personally, i was glad to see some generosity from a group that is constantly bickering and in-fighting

  5. Julia, whether it's customary to tip the DJ or not is irrelevant. That was the group's money and the group should decide on how the group money is spent, not select individuals.

  6. Ethan, seriously, it wasn't generosity from the group, it was a few people being generous with money that wasn't theirs.

  7. With that being said, would it be ok if I make a donation to the Church of Scientology on your behalf and send you the bill? I think that would be very generous of me.

  8. Jasmine, we all agreed in class that maybe it wasn't the best idea to not make it a class decision, and we apologized to you for it. I still cannot fathom why you are still so upset.

    If someone told me they used 50 bucks from the donation bin to give your husband gas money, I wouldn't care. When the class told each other what they could provide, you stated you could provide a trailer. I could provide tools, a ladder, and even the help from my fiance. The tools and the ladder were his, and his gas and time were all used also, but because it was something I knew I could contribute (because my fiance is sweet like that, and we help each other out), it's not something we had to pay for. That's what everyone assumed about your trailer.

    The DJ is not a close friend of mine, he is someone that I know, who volunteered his time, not expecting anything, and even took time off of work. He deserved a tip. You're right, it should have been a class decision, and I'm sorry that that wasn't the case. No one is undermining what your husband did, but like I said before, we didn't realize the circumstance.

    If you want to call the donation money we got from people at the show by Carson charming them "ours", than fine. That was additional money given to us, and I think it should be spread out to pay the power bill, and be given to your husband or to anyone else who used a lot of gas. But don't accuse us of stealing, if anything we gave Greg the money with the intention to be generous. Stop badgering us like we've done such a horrible, impermissible deed.

    Oh, and "in the real world", nothing is for free, and all the people who did help us out would normally be paid a little something.

  9. Also, please stop talking to us like we're your children. We're your classmates.

  10. Jasmine, in your post responding to the resources you could provide you said you OWN a large bed truck and trailer. You also said that you lived in melbourne and needed to make as few trips as possible. as far as i knew, you made one trip, so we appeased you on that and did not ask you to come back out when we needed your trailer again. that being said, what you and your husband did was not not acknowledged. as far as i knew, two students spent money out of THEIR OWN pockets to buy you two lunch (i know this is not the same as being paid $50, but still). While I do agree that it probably should have been a class decision, what kara said about the "real world" is true. We got things donated to us becaue we are art students and everyone knows we are poor. Also, the money we gave to the dj was donated money, not the money that we OURSELVES contributed to the class.

    ETHAN, you will not pay that money by yourself. BTW.

  11. Kara you're missing the point. You must think that I want, or my husband wants compensation or a monitary gift. We don't. This has nothing to do with contributions or help from others to make the show happen.

    As said before, how we thank people for their contributions is a class decision. I have not said that people shouldn't be thanked or compensated, but who and how we decide to give thanks to, is a class decision. For you, me, or anyone to take class money and pay it out to individuals that we feel deserve it, is wrong. And, the fact that you would as you said be ok with me doing it, is foolish and irrelevant.

    Stop acting like I've attacked you or victimized you. Just make it right. Saying sorry is fine and good, but I don't feel like paying for yours or anybody's lapse of judgement. If you feel like I'm badgering you, then I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm not sorry that I respect the class, their money and what's done with it. Obviously whoever made the decision to tip the DJ wasn't considering these things when they made this decision. It would have only taken a couple of minutes to take a vote. But they felt that that was unnecessary.

    I'm sure the few involved just want it dropped, and are unhappy that I am saying these things, but it really just comes back to people taking accountibility. I don't think the whole class should have to pay for the decisions of a few. Do you?

    As for the remark "If you want to call the donation money we got from people at the show by Carson charming them "ours"", IT IS OURS. It is class money. Who's would it be otherwise?

  12. Meredith, read the posts I have made. I don't care about what I contributed or what I spent, I don't need or want gifts, compensation, or aknowledgements. I realize that mentioning my husband's contributions has made you think that we want something out of it, but that itsn't the case. I was trying to point out that many people made contributions that should be thanked and clearly we cant' afford to thank eberyone monitarily, so we shouldn't do it at all perhaps. But if we do, thats up to the class, not you, me, Kara, Ethan, or whoever else was involved.
    And furthermore, in the real world that you like to talk about, if you took donations, there would be consequenses. I would have asked the group. As for the people who bought me and my husband lunch, what they did was generosity on their own behalf, they didn't charge the class. If they had, it would be exaclty the same thing that was done with the DJ.

  13. Meredith I am glad to see that you agree that Ethan should not pay it by himself. Because that would be unfair to him.

  14. Jasmine, in class your argument was about how you didn't think it was right that the DJ got paid, and the other people who helped didn't. You mentioned your husband as one, and someone else who helped build pedestals. Now it seems like you're arguing over the fact that we took class money, and you're calling it "stealing". If we all got together that night and discussed giving the DJ money, would you really be that against it? Please try your hardest to look at this as us wanting to be generous, instead of us trying to "steal". My guess is that if we all got together, the class would agree to give a tip to the DJ. If you're just mad that you weren't involved with that decision when it happened, I think that's something you can get over. Like I said before, you're right, it should have been a class decision, but I think you're being a little bit hard on some people who were just trying to do the right thing.

  15. Kara I don't think that anybody did anything with bad intentions or maliciously. I have not called you or anyone a theif.

    However if you want to get technical about it, it is stealing. Of course I don't think you were trying to steal or that others were trying to steal, but taking OUR money without consent is wrong.

    While I can commend your intentions I still have to say that your judgement was lacking. If the class tips or gives gifts to the DJ or whoever, that is fine. That is a class decision and we should all vote on it. I never said I am against tipping the DJ, I am against taking these choices upon yourself with class money.

    I am not upset that I was left out of the decision making process, I am upset that the WHOLE CLASS was left out. Have I ever said that thanking people or being generous is wrong? No, I haven't.

    I think it is quite unfair to say that I am being hard on people for their generosity or trying to do the right thing when my issue is clearly different. I commend generosity, but giving away money that isn't solely yours is different.

    This isn't about me or you. It is about the class. The class had no idea that this was done, and they should have been asked. And you agree that they should have been asked. But since you didn't, I think it is only right that the class should be reimbursed. I don't think that we should give gifts before we pay off all of our debts, but if the class wants to give gifts before we pay off all our debts, that is up to the class to decide. If we have a bill and don't have the money to pay it, will we need to collect more money from the class? We have already had issues with having to collect more money from the class when the pedestals were being made, and I don't know that people will be able to give more money and it is unfair to assume that they will.

  16. ok... this is getting out of hand. I dont really care if you are for or against paying back, or for or against paying the DJ, this is getting retarded. I read like the 1st 3 or 4 comments and then stopped because all it is is bickering between two sides that WILL NEVER SEE EYE TO EYE. There is no way to solve this situation without people getting pissed off at eachother. If the people who decided to pay the DJ pay the money back, they will be pissed because they felt they were in the right. If they dont pay it back, other people will be pissed because they felt they were wrong to take the money.

    Seriously... if money is such a fucking big deal, I WILL PAY THE $55 TO THE CLASS, even though I had nothing to do with the decision to pay the DJ. So, I'll bring in $55 next class and give it to Ethan. Now can we all please stop fighting with each other? We do still have a couple weeks left, and I'd rather my last of college NOT be filled with petty disputes over crap that really doesnt matter in the context of this semester.


  17. would it be a fair solution if i set up a class poll on here?
    Vote 1 if you agree that the dj should be tipped
    Vote 2 if you disagree and want the class funds to be recompensated

    does that solution satisfy? i can set it up anytime

  18. on a side note, Im not agreeing with ANYBODY, but who has the authority to authorize the use of the class money? I had to buy extra screws at Home Depot and I only told Ethan about it... I didnt even really ask him because we needed it. This class is hardly a democracy, or oligarchy, or whatever the hell other kind of communal government you wanna use as a simile. Perhaps we should have asked everybody in class about everything... but our government has shown us countless times that takes forever to get anything done, and we had little time.

    The point is that the person/people who get to decide if our money is used is a rather grey area, so lets not freak and tear each other apart because one time the very nebulous "system" didn't work.


  19. Ethan: Dont worry about the poll. Im paying back the money. Problem solved.

    I know the problem isnt really solved, but the money will be paid back and can no longer be used as a freakin locus of this arguement.

  20. Here is how I feel. First, David, I agree with you that this is getting out of hand. Jasmine and I are obviously both argumentative people and we're not getting anywhere. I think that if we do not have enough money to pay the power bill or whatever else we owe, then the money should be reimbursed by the group of people who agreed to the paying of the DJ. I think the people who decided to pay the DJ were all under the assumption that we would have enough, or else we wouldn't have decided to give him money. I also agree that the class is hardly a democracy, where everything needs to be discussed. I bought toilet paper, soap, kleenex, and other cleaning supplies that I bought with my own money and didn't ask to be reimbursed. David, you don't owe anyone any money.

  21. I think that is a fair solution Kara.

  22. thank god a solution has been reached.
    love you guys.

  23. [drama]

    glad it all got resolved though.

  24. How to make this short as possible?

    On the situation of the DJ:
    Although, I would love to argue the shit out of this, I was one of the group that decided it'd be best to give the DJ some money. I will NOT apologize for doing it because it was the best thing to do for someone's service not volunteering. (Yes, its more of a service)
    I see your point that it should have been decided as a group, however this group was lazy as fuck and it was the same repeated individuals who got this show together and done.

    If we don't have enough money then I don't care I'll give yet more money on top of the personal expenses of windex, trash bags, twist ties, etc that I am not claiming.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I don't think he was referring to you David, we know you contributed.

  27. sorry for my previous post. Im still pissed as hell about it, but I understand continuing this pointless argument will accomplish nothing.

  28. I worked very hard for this show. I know others did too. So I hope you're not saying I was "lazy as fuck".

  29. I didn't bother to read all this crap. But being upset about paying someone who was nice enough to sit through and set the mood of our show is fucking stupid. Get the fuck over it. Anyone that is upset by paying the DJ is selfish and irrational. That's all I have to say.

  30. This is absolutely ridiculous. I don't want to read another word about this.. it was finished in class.

    I'm very disappointed that this much energy wasn't put into thanking (in words) the many, many people who helped you all out. That task remains incomplete.


    (What a frickin' sour way to finish what s/could have been a great project for all of you.)
