Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To You All (the losers who still check here will have to pass this along to those that have dates).

Hey... I wanted to thank you all for the very nice card and the gift card. You all really shouldn't have.... but I know that I'll find a way to use it (My new summer drink has expensive ingredients). It made my day. I really enjoyed the semester and am very proud of what you all accomplished.

I hope you all have safe and productive summers! And I hope you all stay in touch.

Best of luck to all of you!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Is anybody out there?

Am I the only loser who still checks this thing out of habit? Anyway, if there is anyone like me out there, I was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to help me out with something after the show is done. I need to get some decent pictures of my sculptures but I don't have a decent camera to take them with. I'm also not exactly comfortable in the photo lab,as I've never even had a class in there. Would anyone be willing some day this finals week to help me in getting those pictures taken? Thanks


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Janet just sent jasmine and me an e-mail stressing the importance of everyone picking up their work on MONDAY the 27th from 8AM to 12PM. If your work is not picked up by 12 they will be setting it outside the doors, so that will suck if something happens to it. if you can't pick it up, make sure you ask one of your really amazing friends to pick it up for you.
so do it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

YES. We will have class on Wednesday.

Usual place, usual time. Please be there.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Photos from DRIVEN

I burned three DVDs. One went to David for the website. The other two went to Rachel and Kara. I will burn two more copies for Wednesday. However, these need to circulate, so that everyone gets the photos. The files are huge, and I apologize. I guess post here when you have received them.

Final Assignment Cancelled

I have decided to drop the final "competitive application" assignment from the course requirements, so you do not have to turn that in next week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Final Budget

Here's what's going down: Theo got the electrical bill today. It will cost us $165.47, which includes the $40 turn on fee. I've figured all of the expenses that I know about into the budget. Some people gave me the $10 extra. I will be returning that to them before I divide up our leftovers. That seems only fair to me. After that we have two possible outcomes. I am still waiting on somebody to claim the mystery receipt. If nobody claims it then I will remove it from our expenses because I do not know who to pay back. Otherwise, if someone comes forward and I'll pay them back and then divide the money between everyone. I've uploaded the budget to the server. You can see it all by clicking on the budget link to the right. You can see on the first sheet what I have in the bank now, all of the pending charges (checks), and what we will have when all is said and done. For those of you that don't know how to click on the link to the right, I'll summarize it here for you:

We have in the bank: $846.61
Charges pending (minus mystery receipt): $670.63
Charges pending (including mystery receipt: $700.30
Expected after charges (sans MR): $175.98
Expected after charges (including MR): $146.31
What each person will get (w/o lame MR): =$175.98/20 people = $8.80/person
What each person will get (w/ lame MR): =$146.31/20 people = $7.32/person

So those last two numbers are our scenarios. Now I know what you're thinking. That is a HUGE difference. This kind of stuff can make or break a person. I'm sorry to have to break it to you this way. we'll get through it somehow. i give the mystery he/she until monday morning to get me their proof that it's theirs or i will tear their hopes and dreams up into itsy bitsy teeny tiny pieces. the end

Easter Weekend

Many of you may be gone for the weekend and many probably don't observe it, but this Sunday is Easter Sunday. If anyone wants to go to Easter service with a friendly face and see what it's all about, let me know. My church has limited seating but quite a few different times. I'm planning on going at 10:45 but am willing to go at 12:15 or 6PM if that works better for anyone who wants to go. Let me know ahead of time! Peace


Alright, here's the deal. Whatever people contributed, whether it was time, services, vehicles or equipment is irrelevant. How we thank them is irrelevant.

The money that was given away to the DJ is class money. A few people had no right to take the class' money, and in reality it is stealing. It's a learning lesson for the few people who took the money, and it isn't too late for you few to learn from it. It's your responsibility to put the money back. How you get the money back into the account is YOUR problem. In the real world, if you took $55 dollars that isn't yours, there would be consequences.

If you want to down play what happened and say it's only $55, that's fine. Then it shouldn't be so hard for you to pay it back. After all, it's only $55.

It is irrelevant what you did with the money or what your intentions were. You still took money that wasn’t yours.

It's the fucking principle. In the real world, you would eat this, so eat this and put the $55 back. Don't expect the class to pay for your mistake. Act like adults and take accountability for your actions. The same people who made this decision probably wouldn't be ok with others spending the class money however they choose.

P.S. Asking Theo if it's ok with him to hand out money that isn't even his probably was a mistake.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Central Florida Future


we got great reviews!!!!!!
smile =)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here is a link to the photos that metromix came out and took on friday night:

Leanne, where are you uploading your photos that you took? i want to see them!

Monday, April 6, 2009

BFA Show

just bumping theo's previous post. we have to have our labels to janet by the end of the day today. don't forget. i added a link to the information in the links to the right as well.

Others have mentioned some important dates for the BFA Exhibition in the Gallery elsewhere on this blog, but here is all you need to know in one place. These dates and times are not flexible. Please make sure things go smoothly.

April 6 --please have ALL your label information to Janet in a Word document, using the format posted previously. Send this to Janet at jkilbrid@mail.ucf.edu, by the end of the day on April 6. You will be responsible for making your own labels if she does not receive them on time, and if they do not conform to the format, they will not be included..

April 10, between 12 and 2 pm. Deliver work to the gallery. This is the only time you will be able to bring your work in. If you work, have class, think you might be sick, want to go to the beach, or otherwise can't deliver your work yourself, please MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ONE OF YOUR STUDENT COLLEAGUES TO BRING YOUR WORK FOR YOU, and let us know by email who that will be. We will be laying out the show promptly at 2:15, so if your work is not there, we will not leave room for it. No exceptions. Sorry.

April 15, 5-8 pm. Opening reception. Invite your families and friends.

April 27, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Pick up work. The Daytona group will be bringing their work into the gallery starting at 1:15, and will need the gallery. Any work not picked up by 1:10 will be placed in the hall, at the owners' risk.

Thanks for your adherence to these dates.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where we stand with the budget

I've posted the updated budget, as far as I can update it. I've entered all of the expenses for the receipts that I have and listed them in detail on a separate sheet. I also have some expenses on the overview page that I am expecting but are not concrete yet, like electricity and postcards from C&S. Here are a few points i need feedback on or that you need to know:
1. Who is the mystery person that made an order at home depot for $29.67? what are most of those things that were bought? I think it may have been stuff for the pedestals but I'm not sure. Let me know who you are so you can get paid back.
2. I've noted who I have written checks for even if I haven't given you the check yet. i'll keep them with me and if i see you guys before class wednesday then i'll give them to you.
3. mike and julia: who paid for the poster materials? who do i write a check to?
4. everyone: get me your receipts, either wednesday or preferably before so i can have it ready to present and talk about then. just give me a call to see if i am on campus. if i'm not and you want to, you can stick it in my locker in the sculpture studio. as soon as i have all of the receipts in we'll know where we stand and if anyone gets any money back.
5. Ashlee, Audra and Danielle: you three gave me $10 extra already. i think the best thing to do at this point would be to give that back to you since it didn't turn out to be a class-wide thing. that will put us all on an even playing field and will make things easier for me to figure out. on the other hand if we are too far overbudget, everyone may be needing to pitch in the extra cash to compensate anyway. We'll see
6. we have $120 extra dollars from the donation jar to dampen the overbudget stuff. i thought it was $125 but i think we may have given Greg the DJ $55 instead of $50. oops
7. michelle: return what you can to home depot and give me all the receipts when you do. let me know if there's anything on there (light bulbs) that you're just going to keep.
8. i still have a few items that we didn't use to return to home depot. i'll do that tomorrow to give us a few extra bucks. i have a can of the dark paint to return. i need whoever has the receipt for that to get it to me as soon as you can or take the paint back for us. whatever is easiest for you. lemme know
9. theo: are we paying c&s or are we counting those a donation? just wondering since he's included in the thank you cards list. also, when will you find out electrical?
10. theo again: should i bring the home depot invoice to janke? janki? jAnKy? however it's spelled. or did you want me to wait?

i think that's about it. i'll add more in the comments if i think of anything. get me your receipts if you want to get paid back!

Great Job!!

Great job, guys! I think it was a success... don't you? I'd like to hear your thoughts about it...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

addition to website?

Can the radio spot, Sentinel, and a link to photos be added to the website? Or is that too much work?


Mike and I and I think Chris will be at the space tomorrow afternoon, though I'm not sure exactly when. I'll probably get there between 1 and 2. So if you have anything you need to do or anything you need done let me know. If you have extra extension cords and you're planning on coming in early as well, please bring them. We could use a few more to light a number of spots that were lacking it tonight. Also, what do you guys think of having name tags? Is it tacky? or is it worth it, to be findable and recognizable by people that are too shy to ask around?

Here's our ArtBeat UCF Radio Plug

featuring some of our very own.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Appreciation and Thankfulness

Many people helped us out on this project... and next week we need to thank them. There are probably more people to thank than I can think of, so I'm going to start a list here, and you all can add to it. Then we need to decide who is going to write to whom.

Jeannine Starr, UCF Foundation
Marc Cook, Tom Cook Properties
Angela Chrispens, Tom Cook Properties
Fields Motor Group
Frank Tantillo, C&S Press
City Arts
Lynn Crossley, OUC
Dr. Terry Frederick, UCF CAH
Mark Price, UCF ART Department
Becky Morgan, WUCF, ArtBeat
Julia's father
UCF Catering
David Isenhour?


theo wants us to meet at the space at 6pm tonight. I know this is short notice but try to get there as close to then as you can.
We do need more help today with the lights and cleaning up so when you come down to hang up your work expect to stay and help out a little if you are available

check it out

We's is famous!

i've also posted this link in the list to the right for easy access. woot
I have the key so whoever needs to get in tomorrow morning can call me and i will come open it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I just left the space and as I was leaving the lights were starting to get put up, paint was being taken off the floor and the last walls were being painted. After we finish the lights all we need to do is mop again, dust off all the ledges, any other last minute cleaning, situate the walls and lights and pedestals, andddd
hang our work!
The labels are done and packaged alphabetically so I will leave them at the space tonight when I go back up. It is probably a good idea to wait until the very last thing to hang our work. this is what i think.
So, not TOO much left to do. but still a lot.
hopefully we can all get some sleep tonight. maybe?


I was wondering when everyone decided we should clean up the space. I wasn't able to get a hold of a steam cleaner, but I can bring a shop vac. I would be able to bring it later tonight or after 12pm tomorrow. Let me know! Julia

PRICE LI$$$$$$$$$$$T

Ohtay guyz. I have received a price list from 3 people. Get them to me today, Thursday (it's currently 2 am) by noonish if you want to sell your shit. Include something like "price list" or "BFA" in the subject. Try to follow the same format as the labels. Spell check didn't catch "Yry" or "ollow". What the hell does that mean?

Seriously, hop to it guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz///

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Hang Your Work 101

The center of your wall-hanging work should be at 60" from the floor. To determine where to put your hanging hook (or nail or whatever) follow these steps:

1. measure the height of your piece (for example 50")
2. divide #1 by 2 (25)
3. measure the distance between the top of the piece and the hanging wire--or whatever you're hanging the piece by--be sure to stretch the wire tight (3")
4. subtract #3 from #2 (22")
5. add 60" to #4 (put your hook at 82" off the floor)

Pedestal/Whoever is working tomorrow

So David and I made about a million cuts tonight, and as you can tell by the time I am posting this, we worked very late. However, the pedestals still need to be assembled. We already did the hard part, so now they just need to be put together and finished. We finished one so that you can see how it is made. Also, Ethan is getting out of class at 11 and can show you how to assemble them. He was working on a project and helped us until 5 in the morning so don't expect him to stay. Whoever works tomorrow, make sure you meet Ethan at the sculpture studio at 11am (he has another class shortly after. so 11). He will tell you how to make them. They are a little complicated at first, but they are the best way to make pedestals out of the shitty materials we have.

PEDESTALS: Here's the deal

Cinder blocks have been nixed from the agenda! -- As of right now pedestals are being constructed out of the original 2x4 lumber, masonite, and MDF materials. Kyle & David figured out a pretty wicked means of construction/design. These pedestals should turn out better than the cinder blocks (with all their unresolved issues) and will definitely be better than the first pedestal we constructed Sunday. - As of Wednesday, the pedestals will need to be cleaned up with wood putty/glue, sanded, & painted; all of which should be taking place in the sculpture studio. Isenhour has class from 8am-11am MW, so don't expect to show up and invade his class time. Updates will come shortly!


I don't think we should continue with the show. It just seems like a waste of time and nothing is getting accomplished. We should just forget we ever tried.