Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Price List


Send me your prices by Thursday morning so I can make the list and scam the SGA lab for a buncha loose leaf copies that we can keep in a out-box sorta box or whatever we're doing. Is that what we're doing?

pedestal top paint

We need to paint the pedestal tops the dark charcoal color since the cinder blocks are light gray, please tell me if you disagree so I can explain why you're wrong. I'm just kidding, but seriously though, if they are pale gray on pale gray it will blend in too much and not have a nice contrast with the blocks.


Okay, here's the deal. We need cinder blocks for pedestals, and we're going to get them. If that means that a few walls get broken to get the message to hit home, then that's the way it's giong to be. No kidding. Keep in mind that the pedestal people have been diligently building WALLS evey day, and we're not going to be kept hanging. So, if there aren't cinder blocks tomorrow, needless to say a few of us will be peeved (to say the least). Thanks everybody.

So, we need to get 120 blocks to the space. If that means everybody takes 10 in their car, then that's what we'll do.
We need to figure out how they're getting paid for. Ethan has started collecting $10 from each person.
We need to figure out how to secure the MDF tops to the blocks and make it clean. (no visible screw heads on the top, clean edges -- you know, like for the walls)

Thanks everbody, and sorry if this was a little B****y, but this won't be pushed off.


I already made this comment in another post but I figured I would post it since it's harder to keep track of comments on older posts.

"If anyone is getting paint tomorrow, Meredith and Sean measured out the walls again to double check how much we need to cover. The light gray/blue walls measure out to 85ft. The dark walls measure out to about 45ft (including the 17ft ZigZagZug wall)

If we put tape up at about 8ft that's 680 square feet of wall that we need to cover (assuming we're only painting over the light walls and not including the pillars)

If we include the drywall, the five regular size ones should about 440 sq ft and the large one is about 144 sq ft then that's 584 sq ft to cover (not including the wood if we paint it)

We also have drywall primer for the drywall and it will probably need it since it's porous and it will help the outer coat of paint from seeping in.

Sooo, bottom line, we have about 1264 sq ft. The square footage covered per gallon differs by paint but if it's 350 or so then we need 4 gallons (5 to be safe?)

Please feel free to double check my math, my brain isn't working too well at the moment anyhow."

Monday, March 30, 2009


Others have mentioned some important dates for the BFA Exhibition in the Gallery elsewhere on this blog, but here is all you need to know in one place. These dates and times are not flexible. Please make sure things go smoothly.

April 6 --please have ALL your label information to Janet in a Word document, using the format posted previously. Send this to Janet at jkilbrid@mail.ucf.edu, by the end of the day on April 6. You will be responsible for making your own labels if she does not receive them on time, and if they do not conform to the format, they will not be included..

April 10, between 12 and 2 pm. Deliver work to the gallery. This is the only time you will be able to bring your work in. If you work, have class, think you might be sick, want to go to the beach, or otherwise can't deliver your work yourself, please MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ONE OF YOUR STUDENT COLLEAGUES TO BRING YOUR WORK FOR YOU, and let us know by email who that will be. We will be laying out the show promptly at 2:15, so if your work is not there, we will not leave room for it. No exceptions. Sorry.

April 15, 5-8 pm. Opening reception. Invite your families and friends.

April 27, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Pick up work. The Daytona group will be bringing their work into the gallery starting at 1:15, and will need the gallery. Any work not picked up by 1:10 will be placed in the hall, at the owners' risk.

Thanks for your adherence to these dates.

Posters Printed, Available for Pickup in Art Office (posting from phone, can't type in the main box)


I have received label info from the following people:
Kyle L.
Kyle W.

This means i'm still missing info from 4 people:
There is one other person because this only equals 19 so if i missed you i'm sorry.

PLEASE SEND THESE TOO ME SOON, i'm going to take care of them TOMORROW.
if i don't get them then you won't have any labels, i guess.

Contruction Questions


I understand the desire the cover up the exposed beams for the walls, but let's say fabric is bought, what's the proposed method for attachment? You'd have to buy fabric with the correct dimensions to stretch around the frames, or find some way to create attractive seam lines and/or drapery. - Drywall is scheduled to begin tomorrow morning so when would the fabric be attached, before or after? If after, the beams at the 4' height will be covered with drywall. Even with fabric pulled taught, at a width of 8' there will be sagging in the center if it isn't attached at some center point. Is the fabric being folded under and then attached? No cheap fabric is going to create a cut/tear line clean enough to be left exposed.


Okay - I'm for the lumber pedestals and the molding. The problem is having construction space for a long enough amount of time to finish construction and having an adequate amount of people willing to show up to work on them. Not everyone can drywall at the same time in the downtown space, so # of people shouldn't be an issue.
== If we go with the cinder blocks (correct me if I'm wrong) it's 10 blocks per pedestal. The dimensions of each block are 8x8x16, so two columns of cinder blocks will give us a 16x16 square display surface. Stack four blocks for 32"H and five for 40"H. 16x18" surfaces will create a two inch gap between blocks and 16x20" will create a 4" gap. The dimensions for pedestals could still be 18x18" and 20x20" if we're cool with both an overhand of the MDF and a gap between the blocks. Ten blocks per pedestal, with 12 pedestals gives a total of 120 blocks. 120 blocks at 1.25 each? Approximately $150. Say we get the $$ - how many people are actually willing to help transport 120 blocks to the downtown site AND haul them back after the show to return them? == Construction for drywall starts tomorrow and we're currently divided on the pedestal issue.


We've been redesigning walls and pedestals after checking the budget to see our options, but if we're painting everything to match the wall color at the downtown space we need an actual quote on (5 gallons?) of custom color paint before we redesign anything else or reassign any portion of our budget.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Action Photos!

Might be nice to have photographs of the progress..
I just got an e-mail from Becky Morgan of ARTBEAT (ucf radio program), and she wanted to get some audio from us to use for her show. So, when should I tell her to come by (the space?)? We should tell her tomorrow at the latest.

BFA show setup

Just so everyone knows, Janet mentioned that we will likely be bringing our work to the UCF gallery on April 10th (Friday). It will likely be scheduled from 12-2pm, but we'll also be setting up, so plan to be there for a while. So...ask off of work before its too late.


the wall frames are finished, and the pedestal design has changed. The smallest defect in any of the 2x4s used to put them together was causing the masonite to not fit together. Ultimately it was decided, by 3 of the people who are using the pedestals and were helping out, that we will use cinder blocks for the base of the pedestals and the nice MDF for the top. This change will save us a lot of time and money.

HOWEVER, there is a catch. Even though after the show we will be able to return the cinder blocks and get our money back, we need an additional $10 per person in order to pay the bill. This was agreed on by everybody who was working today; and again, you will get your money back, but Ethan needs $10 more from everybody tomorrow. Please get with Ethan to determine how you will give him the money.

Tomorrow, Jasmine is transporting the wall frames to the site downtown, but she will need help loading and unloading her trailer. If you can assist, please be at the sculpture/ceramic area @ 8AM. She will also need help unloading the materials downtown. We should complete the attachment of the drywall tomorrow, and preferably the mudding as well. We have been trying to contact Theo about the key situation downtown, since that was never resolved.

Lastly, I looked at what it would cost to put some black fabric to cover the lower half of the walls. It would cost approximately $26.66 per 8' wall (that includes the front, back, and 2' sides) for a total of $133.30 for all the 8' walls, and $53.33 for the 12' sections, totaling $186.63. I know that is a lot of extra money we probably wont have, so what I think I am going to do is personally purchase enough to finish 1 8' section, and then we can compare a covered and uncovered wall and decide if its in our budget to purchase enough for the rest.


Flyer posting

Yesterday Sean and I dropped off a million flyers around downtown. here is where we went:
Dexter's Thornton park
Wildside bbq
Infusion tea
Bold Hype Gallery
Graffiti Junktion
Downtown library on Central
Crooked Bayou
Inkredible Ink (tattoo shop on Orange)
another tattoo shop on magnolia
Tijuana flats downtown
Starbucks thornton park
Anthony's pizza
Sanctuary Diner
Lake Eola Wine bar (downtown)
Altamoda salon

I think there may be more places but I am going to try to get to Park Ave. tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest to pass out some more. Everyone seemed really receptive to the show and very interested so that is exciting!


Meredith and I flyered most of the important places yesterday. I still need to drop some off at the Park Ave CD's on campus, and she's going to hit up the Park Avenue area today. Besides that, we got most the places that were listed and then some. She said she's post a list of these places. So I'll leave that to her. We rule.

Construction Update

Here is where we stand:
It took us a crazy long time to work out the design of the walls. They aren't amazing but they will stand. We have done all of the short walls and all but one of the long walls. So, tomorrow, here is what we will be doing, starting at 10AM:
Finish up building the last large wall (all pieces are already cut)
Figure out pedestals and build them much faster than the walls.
I have the designs for the pedestals, thanks to Audra. Since materials have changed they need to be modified a little bit but they give us a good blueprint to work with. I have to leave tomorrow at 4:30 latest because I have a wedding to go to, so that is when we will have to close up shop for the day. As such, we need to be done, because Professor Isenhour will have a class the next morning at 8 and we need to leave his room cleaner than we found it. Thanks for those who came to help today. I hope that our turnout is good tomorrow as well.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Check it out!!

We're getting attention!!

Check this out!!

Blog layout

Does anyone know how to set up a list of links to the side of these discussions? Like, over there -->

I think it would be great to have a quick access to a number of sites and links that have already been posted. It would be great to have the budget, the floorplan, the website, a calendar schedule, etc available at a click on the side, rather than having to go back and read through long threads to find them. (I can't find the link to the budget.)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hot Topic

So I was thinking about getting huge bondage raver pants and spiked collars from Hot Topic so that... No. I'm kidding. The "hot topic" I am referring to is the space we have and the obsession some have with real estate, which I think is a bit childish. I'm not trying to start trouble here, but this is something we're going to need to figure out.

Now, I think it is important to keep in mind that in shows in the past many students have chosen to show only a few works. These people were usually the better artists, believe it or not. No offense, but I don't think anyone on our class is some kind of prolific artiste. Yet. Also, you have to remember that quality is more important than quantity.

With that said, I was going to suggest we post what we are expecting to show, a ballpark estimate if you will. I know some are still working. I was reprinting stuff today in fact. I have a handful of pieces in different mediums I have selected after careful consideration. After all the trash talking you may give me some crap, but I feel its pretty reasonable. I am also certainly willing to lose a few of the pieces. If that's the case its better to know now before I open the frames I got so that I may return them. Since the size of the work is irrelevant in my case, I will list the frame sizes and amount of framed work I would like to show. Also, I wouldn't mind assembling them in a clustered type of way, which I'm sure would not take up very much room. And I am certainly eager to work the space situation out with my fellow artists because I think that's important and I want this show to be good. Here's my crap:

Five (5) 11"x14" frames
Three (3) 16"x20" frames

Also, I have a very small book I would like to show. I don't need a pedestal for it, because the pedestal situation seems like a serious ordeal. I could rig up a thing on the wall for it. And if the book thing is out that's fine by me.

Again, I can drop a few pieces if necessary. They're pretty small though.

Good luck, be kind.

Don't forget Liability Waivers

Please be sure to turn in your signed liability waiver in the envelope in the art office today before 4.

I need to give these to Angela on Monday at 8:45.



I guess it would be helpful for me to tell everyone my email.
I've been having problems with the yahoo email that danielle posted so can everyone please send their label info to this email:
p.s. the flyers are now available in the front office.

we have lumba!

we have the lumber and other supplies. we unloaded them into the sculpture studio. we had to stack them in probably the worst place that we could, sooo we need to get things together in there asap so we don't wake the angry bear that is isenhour. everything is set up to get the drywall monday morning as well (Kyle I gave them your name. we can talk about it if you won't be able to get them. i'll update the budget probably tonight to reflect what we've spent and what we have left. i'll be in the studio today, friday around 2 if anyone wants to come in and get started, although we'll need nail guns, etc for that. i have one brad nailer but i may have to go up to home depot to get brads if you want to start today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Heads Up Numba 2 - Capz n Gownz

Just thought I would give everyone a heads up that Cap and Gown rentals are due by Saturday, March 28th.

http://www.herffjones.com/college/ucf/ (spoiler: it's a ripoff)

You can also buy rings and other crap, such as graduation announcements. Perfect for letting your aunt in Missouri (the one you haven't seen in 13 years) know that you want their money.

Heads up! BFA show at UCF

Audra and I spoke with Janet Kilbride of the UCF gallery today about our show there, which is right around the corner. She wanted everyone to know that if you need pedestals, please go to the gallery to select yours.
She wants everyone to send their labels for the works they will be showing. It might be easy for you to just send the same thing you send to Meredith including any changes that you might end up making. Janet wants these no later than Monday April 6th, but she said it takes a long time to prepare them so don't wait til then.
Also, she wants everyone who is participating in the UCF BFA show to send her their email address, so please send it to her at jkilbrid@mail.ucf.edu
Thank you-


I just picked up the flyers or postcards or whatever we are calling them, and they look so good! I talked to Frank himself and he personally took all of the boxes out to my car, which was really nice. I told him how much I appreciated them doing this for us. They ended up printing 2200 of the postcards which is really exciting. I did not have to pay right then, he said we would figure out payment later.

I am not going to separate them out into separate piles for everyone to take because I have a feeling that not everyone will do it. So I'm going to drop off the boxes in the art office tomorrow around 1 and everyone can just grab what they want, but I think everyone should really get as many as they think they will be able to drop off at places-otherwise they will go to waste. How many do you think we should drop off at each spot?
I'm planning on just making a list of all the places downtown to go and grabbing a lot of the flyers to pass out if no one else minds.
anyway, i'm excited.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

shift schedule and construction list

Monday 8-11-Chris Audra Jasmine.
11-12-Audra Rachel Kara Jasmine.
12-1 Audra Jasmine Rachel Kara David.
1-3 Audra Rachel David Kara
3-5 Danielle Mike
5-7 Danielle Joanna Meredith Aiesha Mike Sean
7-9 Chris Audra Mike
9-11 Chris Audra Mike
11-1 Meredith Sean

Tuesday 8-11 Joanna Julia Jasmine
11-12 Julia Ethan Danielle Kyle W. Jasmine Mike Joanna
12-1 Ethan Danielle Kyle W. Aiesha Mike
1-3 Ethan Danielle Kyle W. Mike Aiesha
3-5 Meredith Aiesha Ashlee Kara Sean
5-7 Meredith Kyle L. Ashlee Kara
7-9 Chris Kyle L. Alli David Kara
9-11 Kyle L. Alli, David, Kara, Chris
11-1am Chris, Kyle L

Wednesday 8-11 Chris Audra 11-12 Aurda Rachel
12-1 Audra Leanne Rachel
1-3 Audra Danielle Leanne Rachel Mike
3-5 Danielle Leanne Kyle L. Kara. Julia Mike
5-7 Julia Alli Joanna Aiesha Mike Kara
7-9 Chris Michelle Kyle L Kara Joanna David Julia
9-11 Chris Kyle L. David Rachel
11-1 Kyle L. Rachel

Thursday 8-11 Joanna Julia Jasmine 11-12 Ethan Danielle Mike Kyle W. Joanna
12-1 Ethan Danielle Mike Kyle W. Aiesha
1-3 Ethan Meredith Sean Ashlee Aiesha Kyle W
3-5 Ashlee Kyle L Aiesha
7-9 Chris Mike Kyle L. Alli. David
9-11Chris Mike Kyle L. Alli David
11-1am Chris Mike Kyle L.

Friday 7-10 Ashlee-beverage duty
Saturday 7-10 Ashlee-beverage duty

Sunday 8-11 Ashlee Mike Julia.
11-12 Ashlee Alli David Julia Mike
12-1 Ashlee Leanne Alli Julia David Mike
1-3 Ashlee Leanne Alli David Mike Joanna

Here is the Construction crew List for this Saturday and Sunday at 10am:
Saturday- Alli, Rachel, Kara, Ethan, Kyle W, Leanne, Michelle
Sunday- Alli, Mike, Aeisha, Sean, Jasmine, Julia, Kyle W, Ethan

Start leaving comments for Post-show deconstruction, Saturday 4th and Sunday the 5th
Saturday- Ashlee
Sunday- Ashlee


Thursday: Order materials, pick up C&S postcards, get permission to store supplies in Sculpture area

Friday: 4 pm Liability statement due. Pick up materials from Home Depot, bring to school.

Saturday: Construction of framing for walls and pedastals. 

Sunday: Send labels to Meredith in Times New Roman 18pt.

Monday: Pick up dry wall and ladder from school gallery, move materials to the space.

Tuesday: Mudding/Priming

Wednesday: Hanging/Lighting

Thursday: get tables, steam clean carpet.

Friday: Designate wine and beverage person, show

Saturday: Show

Sunday: Break down, clean up, repaint. Move debris.

Monday: Return Keys.

Throughout the whole calendar-advertise and distribute flyers, write thank you cards.

Liability Waiver

Please copy, add your name, print out, sign, and deliver to the Art Department Office by 4 pm on Friday, 3/27 this statement:

"I understand the statement below.

I will use extraordinary care while working in the space for the exhibition, "Driven." If a UCF representative is not present at the 131 N. Orange Avenue building, I understand that I am not covered by the university's insurance policy at that time, and, in the case of an accident, I will hold the companies DRSK4, LLC and Fields Motorcars of Florida, Inc. harmless and not liable."

Your signature
Your name

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Money Collection

If you haven't yet gotten your $40 to me, I need it by tomorrow at class time. We will be buying supplies and building later this week in preparation of the show.

Sentinel column

I NEED PICS to send to Terry Hummel. He's interested in the story and his DEADLINE is WED. He asked to see pics of the work, and I gave him the website (which was already listed in my first e-mail to him). So-- we should send more pics TODAY by 4:00 if we want him to bite!!!

PS- if everything goes through, we'll have a story April 3rd!!!

E-mail them to me


MORE exciting news:

a photographer for Orlando metromix and the Orlando Sentinel Online Gallery just called me to ask if she could shoot our event. I told her the 3rd would be our big night, and she said she would be there!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
-ps: she called me, I didn't contact her. Word is getting out, so we've got to START BUILDING so we have a damn good show!

Monday, March 23, 2009

labels, price list, etc

Someone can volunteer to collect the information for the i.d. labels.... and make them. They can be printed out on paper and then spray mounted to matt board. Then cut down to 1" margins.

While there is no gallery/museum standard, this is the format we use:

YO MAMMA (all caps, bold)
(skip a line)
Still Life in Landscape, 2008 (title italics, date normal)
Oil on canvas (normal type, first letter capitalized only)

I assume everything is for sale? We need a price list....or maybe include prices on the labels?

We had a visitor book two years ago...which was nice, and allowed us to know how many came.. What do you thnk?

Great News!

Theo talked to Mark Price this morning about money available to us as a class. We were entitled to $300 but he gave us approval for $500! This money has to be spent at Home Depot and all in one purchase, so we will need a thorough price/supply list first, so let's get on it. i would have posted this under the construction thread but i wanted to be sure everyone saw it.
by the way mike and i posted a proposal for wall layout & design. i didn't make it to scale it turns out so i'm reworking it now and will post in a little bit with images


We have 1000 4x6 postcards and 1000 posters coming our way ($325). The guy told me Thurs. or possibly Fri morning. So that means right when I get these we need to meet up and start distributing like mother effers. So keep in mind, this Friday you will need to spend your day and night distributing postcards and posters. Just so you know the postcards are a little different as well. The offer the guy gave me was for 4x6 cards so Danielle gave me a design that worked better for this size. It is a variation of the light bulb one. The cards have a front and back, so the majority of the info and the sponsors logos are on the back.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

construction costs

I just did some SERIOUS number crunching for building pedestals. I came up with a few options, based on a plan for having 4 sets of 3 pedestals that fit inside each other, for the ideal total of 12 pedestals.

The estimates are on the slightly high end. (2X4's can be slightly cheaper and save about $20 for 12 pedestals)
I’ll share all the sketches and plans on Wed.
Home Depot prices.

The Options are:
Stained and poly’ed pine: $290.62 (including sponge brushes: $295.62)
Poly’ed pine: $276.26 (including sponge brushes: $281.26)
White painted MDF: $250.39 (including rollers, trays, frames: 268.74)
Black Painted MDF: $269.89 (including rollers, trays, frames: 288.24)

Places to Put our Posters

Fill this list with as many locations as you can think of and we can have people take a range of numbers. as in, one person will post at locations 1-20, then next 21-40, etc. when you post, just continue to number from where the previous person left off.

Friday, March 20, 2009



So I have talked to 8 companies. I had 3 that were even remotely interested. 2 that were very interested. And only one that actually gave me a price. None of the companies are enticed by the idea of sponsorship. They say the only response they get from such advertising is a bunch of people calling them for free crap. One guy seemed genuinely interested and said he would print for cost (i'm sure he's makin a lil money, but he's prob discounting it decently). he told me $325 for 1000 4x6 4/1 postcards and 1000 4/0 11x17 posters (I didn't ask for 1000, he said that that's as low a number that would result in a lower price. i.e. 500 isn't cheaper).
Another guy i spoke to sounded super pumped up and eager to compete, but he still hasn't sent me an e-mail back with actual numbers.
I think we should go ahead and just print the postcards. I have to speak to him again to find out how much just postcards/flyers would cost. In fact we could probally get even more for very cheap. for posters we can work on a much smaller scale (screen print, color copy. flyers are easy to distribute... I can't think of hundreds of places to put posters).
Also, we need to go with just one image. He said setting up the machine 3 times would cost a lot more than just setting it up once. Makes sense. So maybe we can have one last say on the image, again. So far we are using Danielle's, but I have a design, Michelle gave me one, and I know some of you might have mde one as well. We can try this voting thing again.

Phone Numbers

I think it would be convenient to have a post with everyone's phone numbers.

Sean Repplier: (321)698-6321


I will explain this to you all in person.. BUT.. please remove the mention of OUC's sponsorship from all the promotional material. This includes any logos that might be out there, and the mention in the press release, and..especially, the Facebook page that is up.



Thursday, March 19, 2009


The floorplan they provided was not to scale, so from the measurements Kyle and I took, I tried to create the most accurate representation of the floor plan I could. The problem is that we didnt measure everywhere... only places we thought we could hang stuff. oops. I think I was able to figure everything out though. There might be a few issues here and there. Because of the really bad accuracy of the floorplan they provided, the location of the lighting is a bit iffy. Again, I tried my best to remember where everything was and make sense of stuff. Here is a link to the floorplan

The lighting fixtures are in red.


Contacting Press

I'll likely be able to do any phone calls to radio/newspapers tomorrow after I get out of work at 3 tomorrow (FRI.).  However, I have only been able to find a number for Becky Morgan at ARTBEAT.  Otherwise, I've only found #'s for offices at WPRK, Orlando Sentinel, and Orlando Weekly.  I have found e-mails for Lindy Shepperd and Terry Hummel (Orlando Sentinel arts columnist), but have been unable to find any information on how to contact Mary Frances Emmons directly.  


Any one who has a poster design, post it ASAP. It would be nice to have a few to choose from. Wouldn't it be exciting to have something you designed plastered and distributed all over Orlando? Compete! ...Danielle, could you please email me a full size jpg of your posters and flyers. Thanks. kjleavitt@hotmail.com


I just posted a wanted ad to craigslist:
If I happen to get any decent responses, I need people with trucks to volunteer to go and pick stuff up. If you are willing, please leave your name, email and phone number in the comments and I'll contact you. If we get multiples, I'll spread out the requests so that one person doesn't have to do all the pickups. Also, if you can think of anything else that people might be willing to donate let me know and I'll add it to the list. I think we're good on tools, and I figured we could probably find enough nails/screws between us. Paint, I'm not sure about, but I think we'd want our built walls to match colors with the building's walls right? So we need a sample of that paint color for when we go out to buy the rest of what we need. Also, Theo let me know how much we can get from UCF and how to go about getting it.

We Need Moneyz

I'm collecting moneyz for our expenses. We've generally agreed on $40 for now per person. So far I've received moneyz from Mike and David. I will keep an updated list. You can get it to me in several ways.

1. I'll take cash or check in person. You will usually be able to find me on campus in the sculpture studio, although probably not today (Thursday). Make checks out to me and in the memo just write UCF BFA. If you so desire you can also deliver it to me at my house, just mapquest my address. 2706 Logandale Drive, Orlando, FL 32817.
2. You can mail it to me, although we need funds soon so I wouldn't recommend this since there is a few days delay.
3. You can pay by paypal if you already have a verified account. All you have to do is login, click on send moneyz and send it to my email at ethan_kalebaugh@hotmail.com.
4. I can't think of any other ways but if you get creative feel free to suggest something.

We need moneyz asap so that we can get materials bought and advertisements ordered. We're aiming to get the printing process started by Friday.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

DEADLINE for Website today

If you do not have an image to David TODAY by 12:00 noon, it will not be included on the website. Period.

Still to be done

a. Have you helped to get numbers to Ethan so he can fill in what he can on his budget?

a. printing (are flyers/posters and postcards ready for print)? Who is going to shop that job around for best price? Even if it's not ready to go (I'm still working on getting OUC's logo) you can be calling around with the specs and see who can print it cheap, well, and on time.
b. are we still thinking of doing the "air freshener" thing? What's going on with that?
c. do we have a plan for getting these things out (who, how, where, by when) when they're done?
d. media... I spoke to Becky Morgan at ARTBEAT on WUCF, on your behalf, and she thought this was an interesting story....someone needs to follow up with her. Also, I think WPRK is a good source.. and the Sentinel and the O. Weekly. Who is going to contact them?

a. what's status of dj? How does everyone feel about having one? Yes? No? Or typically indifferent.
b. what, if anything, are we going to serve? How is it going to be served (by whom, on what--we'll need tables, and napkins, and plates, and cups)? How is it all getting to the venue?
c. we'll also need a few gargage cans and plastic bags for clean up. Ice chest and ice.... a corkscrew..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I NEED HELP: 8 volunteers for Thursday evening

I need 8 volunteers for an event downtown this Thursday evening from 5 to 8:30.. I basically need people to be greeters for guests --and to help set up-- for an event for Flying Horse Editions (there will most likely be food and drink after). President Hitt, Provost Hickey and Dean Fernandez will all be there.

Are any of you available/willing?

Please email me directly if you can help me.


Monday, March 16, 2009


the website design has been updated to match the logo and flyers.

I may tweak a couple things, such as add a preloader to the Flash element, and tweak positioning slightly here and there. Otherwise, the website is done. The main text I put together from the press release post.

I have received very few comments on the site, so I assume everybody loves it... or nobody has checked it out, heh. Please let me know what you think!


Oh, I also need the logos of our sponsors to put on the website.


Floor Plan

We will only be using the areas indicated "Showroom" and the long area to the right of it (the break room and the service areas we won't use). We'll take measurements on Wednesday.



I have set it up for us to get into the exhibition space at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, before we go to the Millenia Gallery.

Those of you who can make it, please meet there. IF you have class or other obligations you are not required to attend.


REMINDER: Class meeting, 3/18, Millenia Gallery

We will be meeting at Millenia Fine Art at 6 pm this Wednesday, 3/18.


I will try to set up a time in the late afternoon on Wednesday for us all get into the show location before our meeting at Millenia.


We may as well start a separate post about this. the budget post has turned into anything but. If you need a U-Haul for your work post here. I don't think I will need one, personally, so don't count me in yet. I'd prefer to get friends with trucks to transport stuff, especially if we're trying to keep costs to a minimum. But there are advantages. Anywho, put in your two cents about it here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's Make a Budget!

I'll go ahead and head up the budget and finances, as I volunteered to do. I'm not sure I know where to begin though. I guess I need to know how much everyone is willing to pitch in to the general fund and go from there. I will try and come up with expenses and then see if you're willing to either split it out for that cost or if you want to suggest cuts to it. It would be really helpful if someone on the promo team could give me a cost estimate of how much materials and printing are going to cost us. In fact, the same is true for whoever is heading up the installation team. The website is just fine; there are no more costs associated with that. Any way, if you feel like you can give me any helpful pointers as to estimated costs, feel free to shoot a comment my way. Thanks.

Also, Theo do we have any definite amounts yet on what we can expect from UCF in the way of contributions?

Logo and Header

I was talking to one or two people in the group and were trying to figure out how to decide on what logo to use, since Im sure everybody will have their 2-cents since the logo represents the entire show. At the same time, the logo and promotional material should match with the website, which needs a main header graphic (size 900x363)

sooo... we think a vote would be best. If you want to submit a design for the show logo or the header please comment with a link to the design under this post

Date graphics due and voting begins: 3/13 (this friday)
Date voting ends: 3/15 (this sunday)

Let me know if you have an issue with anything. I know I am kinda bossing some stuff, but thats just because I feel we dont have much time left and need to get stuff out there. I have no issue with somebody else, or other people taking charge. If you have a problem with the dates, please let me know... but also realize we have 3 weeks left till the show and we need to get advertising out there ASAP.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am starting to post basic website elements now and have the main flash component pretty much done. The main title at the top is still in design and I would love any input or designs. I need to put info about the show at the bottom of the page and may resize the flash element. I also have to add a slideshow functionality. Currently I am just using some images of mine in place of whatever you guys give me.

Let me know what you guys think.


promotional ideas


Here's a press release start, see if there's something here to play with/fill in blanks. Maybe highlighting certain works would be a way to grab attention:

Despite the auto industry crumbling, twenty emerging artists constructed a dealership full of valuable pieces. Driven is on April ___ at 131 North Orange Avenue. There is evocative pieces for every pair of eyes from every medium: 'gutter importance' photography finds an art afterlife for road kill, product design, ceramics capturing the ephemera of nature and more.
131 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, FL 32801

Jasmine Baker, Christopher Berrios, Alli Canfield, Joanna Carter, Michelle Collins, Audra Darbyshire, Julia Dodd, Aiesha Engineer, Michael Falk, Meredith Geiger, Ethan Kalebaugh, Kyle Leavitt, Rachel Levy, Kara McIntyre, Sean Repplier, David Smith, Kyle Waldrep, Ashlee Walters, Leanne Wilcox.

Made possible by the generous support of Orange County Utilities and Field Motorcars of Florida

Press Visuals
Posters will use image and texts from the website to ensure cohesiveness for the show. The posters(19x25in?) could be cut out as the shape of the air freshener tree, and hung by a string. So it'd be a poster size tree, sure to grab attention.
Can the treasurer give a deadline for a price list?
Tentative materials list: Canson paper for posters. mylar or transparency for printing stencils. maybe one or two white inks, i have enough to donate in other colors.

Press Distribution

Central Florida Future, Orlando Weekly, Austin's Coffee, Stardust-various other community hangouts.

*tag your posts please so we can more organized and specific*

Website Is Up and Ready for Editing

All the setup for the website is ready to go. If you are going to be working with us on the site, let me know and I will send you the login information. I won't, and would suggest that nobody else who I send it to, post the info to the blog because this is open to the public. my email is ethan_kalebaugh@hotmail.com. David, I'll email you with the information momentarily.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Tasks and Committees

I think it's time for you guys to organize yourselves into committees to start and/or accomplish a few important tasks before NEXT WEEK.

1. Website... this seems to have been taken on by Ethan and David (thanks!). Anyone who wants to contribute, please contact them. Since they jumped on it, I suggest that we get out of their way.The website should include, at minimum, everyone's name, the dates, the location, the sponsors (OUC, Fields Motorcars of Florida, others to follow). We'll need to get the logos from the sponsors (I'll take care of these two)
2. Press. I'll help on this, but it would be good if someone (someones) would take a stab at writing a press release. Also, at minimum, it should include the above info... but it should also include enough information that some writer would see the potential for an article. So think of a hook, and write the press release around that (i.e. "20 emerging artists partner w. local business to showcase work", or "artists turn empty storefront into night of art" or something like that. Also: someone should contact WUCF and WPRK --they do PSAs all day long, and sometimes feature stories (they did a lengthy interview with 2 members of the group last time). Also: There's a show on WUCF called Art Beat...someone should contact Becky Morgan there and pitch the story.
3. Promotional collateral. Posters? Flyers? Air Fresheners? How are they getting designed and printed?
4. A plan to distribute the above. Where are they going to go? How are they going to get there?
5. A finance committee and/or treasurer. Ethan, I believe, already volunteered..but maybe he's going to focus on the website right now. I leave that up to him. If someone else wants to do this, please speak up. We need to establish a budget. What is the promotional collateral going to cost? What are the installation costs (who needs pedestals? How many walls do we need?) What's the website going to cost? Are we paying for a dj? What about the reception?
6. An installation committee. I expect everyone to play a part in this, but those of you who are good carpenters, plasterers, painters, etc. should take charge of this.
7. Reception. Are we going to ask for sponsorships? Who? Who is going to ask?

I'll let you decide how best to organize yourselves. .


We need to work on advertisement soon. I dont think we can really wait till the next class period, which is a week and a half away, and only 2-3 weeks prior to the show.

What do we need for advertising the show?
-pine tree scented car things... (we can probably still use this since the title is very car relevant)

those are just some thoughts of mine.

I think the fliers, pine trees, and postcards could just have the title of the show, dates, and a link to the website. The posters could have a bit more information, like an address or synopsis or something. I think the website should have the bulk of the information.

Concerning the website:
I know Ethan is setting it up. I can help build it, especially any flash parts. My idea would be to have a nice flash header at the top and some info underneath. Maybe another page or 2 with more information. The flash header could have images of our art that it cycles through, like a tiny preview of the show.

The basic layout Im think of would be similar to:
A ton of websites use this sort of layout with the large flash interactive header at the top because it looks cool and focuses your attention. We could even have it where if you click on the header it would redirect you to a page containing bio info on whichever artist was currently being shown. We could also have the order of the artists being shown randomized each time the page loads, so there would be no issues about picking who is shown first, last, etc.

Let me know what you guys think. Like I said, I can handle the flash part but wouldnt mind help on the rest of the site.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Remember, you can only vote ONCE! I am slightly altering the names, such as exchanging - for :, and initial-capping the names, just for uniformity. I also put names next to each other that had similar themes or words. "Driven" is written just as submitted, hence one being all-caps and the other 2 initial-caps.

My suggestion is that each person only post once. If you want to argue a name, or against a name, put your vote at the top of your post and you argument below. That will make for easy tallying.

Suggested Names:

SPARK: Students Producing Art
Spark Plug: The Reanimation of Art
Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists
Driven: That New Art Smell
DRIVEN: That New Car Scent
Fresh: That New Art Smell
Up Shift: Taking Art to a New Level
^Shift: 20 Artists Building Momentum
New Floor Models: A Showroom of 20 Artists
Accelerate: From 0 to 20 Artists in One Weekend
Uncooped: Freeing 20 Artists
The Culmination: The Product of 20 Artists
Changing Lanes
Ranchless Newcastle
Unstrained Supersimplicity
A Cleverly Titled Art Show

ps: I dont think I left any out that were posted by Friday, as per our assignment. If I did leave any out than let me know; however, I dont think we should add new suggestions now. A lot of people didnt post names, and thats their loss.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Hi Guys
Great news.. I just got word that OUC is going to be a sponsor of our event, and will waive the $4,500 deposit... and will pay for our power too.
Please work on the NAME issue!!

More later....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Show Name

Everybody post your suggestion for the show name here.