Monday, March 30, 2009

Contruction Questions


I understand the desire the cover up the exposed beams for the walls, but let's say fabric is bought, what's the proposed method for attachment? You'd have to buy fabric with the correct dimensions to stretch around the frames, or find some way to create attractive seam lines and/or drapery. - Drywall is scheduled to begin tomorrow morning so when would the fabric be attached, before or after? If after, the beams at the 4' height will be covered with drywall. Even with fabric pulled taught, at a width of 8' there will be sagging in the center if it isn't attached at some center point. Is the fabric being folded under and then attached? No cheap fabric is going to create a cut/tear line clean enough to be left exposed.


Okay - I'm for the lumber pedestals and the molding. The problem is having construction space for a long enough amount of time to finish construction and having an adequate amount of people willing to show up to work on them. Not everyone can drywall at the same time in the downtown space, so # of people shouldn't be an issue.
== If we go with the cinder blocks (correct me if I'm wrong) it's 10 blocks per pedestal. The dimensions of each block are 8x8x16, so two columns of cinder blocks will give us a 16x16 square display surface. Stack four blocks for 32"H and five for 40"H. 16x18" surfaces will create a two inch gap between blocks and 16x20" will create a 4" gap. The dimensions for pedestals could still be 18x18" and 20x20" if we're cool with both an overhand of the MDF and a gap between the blocks. Ten blocks per pedestal, with 12 pedestals gives a total of 120 blocks. 120 blocks at 1.25 each? Approximately $150. Say we get the $$ - how many people are actually willing to help transport 120 blocks to the downtown site AND haul them back after the show to return them? == Construction for drywall starts tomorrow and we're currently divided on the pedestal issue.


We've been redesigning walls and pedestals after checking the budget to see our options, but if we're painting everything to match the wall color at the downtown space we need an actual quote on (5 gallons?) of custom color paint before we redesign anything else or reassign any portion of our budget.


  1. Don't you sleep Alli?! I just poted under the important update section, I guess we will have a hard time finishing the pedestals, so cinder blocks it is. Yay, this is super fun.

  2. P.S. Whoever said that they could get/have a truck, it's your turn! Please make yourself available to pick up the cinder blocks once they are ordered and ready for pick up (I guess someone needs to deal with this). My husband has already taken off work to bring the trailer up and move the walls, and he can't keep going without his truck. Thanks

    JOANNA JULIA JASMINE: Audra will be there around 8-8:30am to open up. Please be there to assist with completing the walls.She will inform you of the status of the walls and what needs to be completed before Ethan arrives.

    AUDRA: The small blocks will have two screws to anchor it to the 2x4 and then just one short screw from the Drywall to that block. They are in the sculpture studio in a box and a white bag. Try and complete attaching the blocks to the 2x4's and drywall with the group so that when ETHAN arrives and the next group, together can finish the siding, mud shit, and corner attachments.

    So, if everything goes to plan...we should be sanding and begin painting by TUES NIGHT. On that note, we need to get a sample of that grey wall and buy the gallons of paint. Maybe have someone in the morning shift have that task...once that person gets the money from Ethan?

    ALL DOORS, GARAGE DOORS, LIGHTS, A/C, etc. stays closed/OFF at all possible times! TOOLS must go back in the TOOL ROOM and out of site at the end of each night.



  4. so i need to hit up the studio tomorrow morning before i head over or not?

  5. If anyone is getting paint tomorrow, Meredith and Sean measured out the walls again to double check how much we need to cover. The light gray/blue walls measure out to 85ft. The dark walls measure out to about 45ft (including the 17ft ZigZagZug wall)

    If we put tape up at about 8ft that's 680 square feet of wall that we need to cover (assuming we're only painting over the light walls and not including the pillars)

    If we include the drywall, the five regular size ones should about 440 sq ft and the large one is about 144 sq ft then that's 584 sq ft to cover (not including the wood if we paint it)

    We also have drywall primer for the drywall and it will probably need it since it's porous and it will help the outer coat of paint from seeping in.

    Sooo, bottom line, we have about 1264 sq ft. The square footage covered per gallon differs by paint but if it's 350 or so then we need 4 gallons (5 to be safe?)

    Please feel free to double check my math, my brain isn't working too well at the moment anyhow.

  6. Ethan, you don't need to if you don't need anything from there. Audra will pick up the materials I left out and the blocks Chris and I cut up and bring them downtown around 830.

    Call me if you have problems or whatever.
