Monday, March 16, 2009


the website design has been updated to match the logo and flyers.

I may tweak a couple things, such as add a preloader to the Flash element, and tweak positioning slightly here and there. Otherwise, the website is done. The main text I put together from the press release post.

I have received very few comments on the site, so I assume everybody loves it... or nobody has checked it out, heh. Please let me know what you think!


Oh, I also need the logos of our sponsors to put on the website.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. personally i think the two main elements are opposing too much. i also think the map is distracting. maybe we could make just a link? i liked the previous horizontal layout, generally. i know that it varies according to the viewer's resolution, but most people wouldn't have had to scroll to see the site, it was all presented up front. if need be, perhaps we can have some content scrolling within a div or something. if it's ok, i'll post a mockup to illustrate what i'm talking about in a little bit. i apologize for not having an image to you yet. i have none of my work that satisfy me, but i will have something to you by wednesday like theo said

  3. i do like the original setup better, but this still does the job well.

  4. I think it's looking great.

    Please have your image to David by this Wednesday at noon, or it will not be included on the website.

  5. I think its awesome how the posters and the website are so cohesive -- and the overall feel of it is very youthful. It doesn't look like we take ourselves too seriously, but it looks very professional.

  6. i've posted what i was talking about to the host. you can see it at
    this location. I'm not trying to take over David's job here, this is just what i liked about the old setup and what i thought could improve, compeletely based on what he had already done. i have not tested it on a mac, as i don't have one, so i'm not sure what to tell you if it looks bad. one thing that kind of bugs me when i look at the site, but i don't want to just change on my own is that when the title is displayed and you mouseover the bar, part of the bottom words are covered up. it's pretty anal, but just thought i'd mention it. by the way, the arrows on my submitted site are image files and so if someone is feeling adventurous and wants to create some nifty matching up and down arrows i could replace the current ones pretty easily. if you like the layout but don't like my very professional looking box, you can make your own to these dimensions and save it as a .gif with a transparent background to see how it looks: 660px x 239px. that's all i've got

  7. The title isn't showing up on your new one Ethan. Would it be at the top? I think the title at the bottom isn't direct enough, the images should be at the bottom. I like the horizontal version better.

    The text for the paragraph about the show really bothers me for some reason. It needs to be smaller, and the kearning needs to be a little bit wider. Right now the arial font is okay, but it just has that feeling of microsoft cheesiness compared to the rest of the custom website. I really recommend a nicer sans serif font like myriad. It looks more professional and less overused than arial or times new roman.

  8. i'm not sure what to tell you about the title. it is part of the flash graphic, it will always be the first one displayed.
    the problem with using myriad directly on the website text is that not all computers will have that font, and so it will just resort to geneva and if not geneva, arial. as far as i know, the only way to have everyone see it in a certain text is to store the text as an image, which just makes it a little harder to work with and edit. i'll demonstrate on mine.--
    i've posted the text as an image. i've also uploaded the illustrator file to the site if you want to play with it and change it. i'm not a graphic designer so you won't hurt my feelings. you can find it here: text file. as long as you keep it the same width, you can change anything else, even the height.

  9. It looks good ethan

  10. That looks really great Ethan! Thank you for suiting my whims:) I vote for your version of the website.

  11. I like Ethan's layout better but I think that the google maps image/link should be there. I'm sure it would help a lot of people. Also, it might be better to have the title image repeated at the bottom like on David's because once the artwork takes over the flash the title disappears.

    Looks good either way though.

  12. I think the website horizontally that ethan posted looks great. I did like the map on there though. I think it should be on there to help people easily click and know where. Other than that looks great! Also, we have to focus on how many walls we will need and printing material. Those are the two big things we have to get now.

    Chris Berrios
