Monday, March 23, 2009

labels, price list, etc

Someone can volunteer to collect the information for the i.d. labels.... and make them. They can be printed out on paper and then spray mounted to matt board. Then cut down to 1" margins.

While there is no gallery/museum standard, this is the format we use:

YO MAMMA (all caps, bold)
(skip a line)
Still Life in Landscape, 2008 (title italics, date normal)
Oil on canvas (normal type, first letter capitalized only)

I assume everything is for sale? We need a price list....or maybe include prices on the labels?

We had a visitor book two years ago...which was nice, and allowed us to know how many came.. What do you thnk?


  1. I'll collect the information for the I.D. labels, and handle that. But, how many pieces are we going to be able to have in the show? It seems like he are building more walls than I originally thought.

    My e-mail is

  2. If it's in budget, do we want plaques with individual artist statements as well? I think it might be a good way to distinguish ourselves

  3. How would we designate if the image is a part of a series? Would that information be on the label?

    Pricing my art is something I am very new to, as in never done before. Could we possibly bring in a piece on Wed and ask you if our price we thought was reasonable/too expensive/too cheap? I could very easily price my work at $75 as I could $600 because I have no frame of reference.


  4. Hey Mike- I keep checking my email, and no invitation to become a contributor. It's

  5. I think it is important to have the artist statements, we should try to fit it into the budget.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with Jasmine about the importance of the artist statements. It's a must is most cases. Also, I think a 'visitor book' would be smart idea, three-ring binder?

  8. Jasmine, sorry about the confusion, I had been sending it to, but I just sent one to your other e-mail, hopefully you get it.

    I'm not so sure how to price my pieces either or if I would even want to. I suppose we'll talk about it Wednesday.

    Also, I just got a 10% off your entire purchase at Lowes coupon! Savin' dem dolla billz

  9. Kara - do you want us to email you about the info for our pieces? Let me know, Julia

  10. I don't care about artist statements, but it seems like most of you do. So that's cool.

  11. Yes, e-mail me about your pieces....I still don't know how many we'll be showing each, but go ahead and send me titles for ones you would want to show.
