Thursday, March 5, 2009

Show Name

Everybody post your suggestion for the show name here.


  1. i got 3.
    "SPARK:students producing art..."



  2. I kind of like Spring Forward

  3. New Floor Models - A Showroom of 20 artists

  4. I don't mind the "DRIVEN: That new car scent" I also like the "SPARK:Students producing art" But i don't like the "students" part. I don't want students in the name i think.

    Chris Berrios

  5. i'm not sure that SPARK makes sense to me. if it's referring to spark plugs to keep the car imagery going, i think it's a bit of a stretch. if it is a quasi-acronym for students producing art...well just call it SPART then. as for my own suggestions:
    1. Up Shift (or maybe ^Shift?) - Taking Art to a New Level (not really partial to the subtitle)
    2. Changing Lanes
    3. Uncooped - Freeing 20 Artists (yep i'm stealing it, take that)

  6. The 1st 2 were created by a random phrase generator online... I thought them humorous:

    Ranchless Newcastle
    Unstrained Supersimplicity
    A Cleverly Titled Art Show

  7. "Quarterlife"

    This is the right name.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm stealing Fresh from Theo. I don't care.

    "Fresh...That New Art Smell"

    That's right....smell not scent. Smell. Not scent.

  10. i'd vote for rachel's suggestion if theo would let us use that. does anyone know his show date/location?

  11. It's next October..... (and the actual title is "Fresh from Chelsea"). If it's unanimous, go ahead, use it.

    Those of you who don't like it better weigh in.

    (I kind of like "New Floor Models: A showroom.." I also think there could be something with ^Shift.. )

  12. After talking with the other Kyle today, I really like the "Quaterlife" name. I think it has huge possibilities.

    I also like "The Culmination: the product of 20 artists."

  13. At first I thought that a made up word would be fun and original,
    I also thought that Skimble-Scamble might be a good candidate as it means to ramble on about nothing.
    The simpler version seems even better I found it in the urban dictionary

    Verb : To confuse with nonsense. To abandon all pretence of normality. e.g. by telling your boss that you "exist in a world beyond his imagination". Or you might skimble someone by just showing them your arm and saying "Chen matrix?". The "skimbled" party will become so confused that the "skimbler" gains the upper hand.
    "Everyone has handed in their essays, except you Martin. Where is it?".
    "Well Mrs. Truncheon, I am so enveloped in twan at the moment that my quunch has become sodden with pantrack! Please excuse my shint mother Abraham!".
    "Christ Martin, you've skimbled my skan, You gentle monkey."

  14. I gotta say... I am lovin' Skimble-Scamble ;)
    Tomorrow I will post all the suggested names in a new post and everybody can then comment to vote. Sound good?

    Also, since we know we have the space we need to figure out what kind of walls we need to put up and figure out how much space each person gets. I have nothing framed, and need to know if I am framing 3 pictures or 10... big cost difference.

  15. Accelerate: From 0 to 20 Artists in one weekend
    Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists
    Driven: That New Art Smell
    Spark Plug: The Reanimation of Art

  16. "^Shift: 20 artists building momentum"

    or maybe extend the blurb for more explanation?

  17. GUSH
    20 emerging artists


    a leak of 20 emerging artists

    (i suck at this)
