Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am starting to post basic website elements now and have the main flash component pretty much done. The main title at the top is still in design and I would love any input or designs. I need to put info about the show at the bottom of the page and may resize the flash element. I also have to add a slideshow functionality. Currently I am just using some images of mine in place of whatever you guys give me.

Let me know what you guys think.



  1. Hey, awesome job. I think it looks great. So do you need everyone to send you images?

  2. That looks fantastic. What format do we need to send our images in? I'm not very techno-saavy, so I'm going to need detailed instructions if you have time.

  3. please send your image to my email:

    It doesnt matter the format, I will set them up as needed. Just please send me one image you would like to represent your work. Send me as large an image as possible.

    In the email please include your name so I can easily match the image to the name, without having to figure out email addresses.

  4. i'm going to start designing our promo items. it is important that they match your website or can they be different?

  5. They can differ as long as the basic theme is the same I think. Im changing the header at the top anyway, because its ugly and I made somethign just to throw on the site, heh. So right now there really isnt anything to match.

  6. Big update to the website. The flash element, which is the majority of the site, appears to be complete. I incorporated the slideshow functionality so now it looks pretty slick. I also scrapped the Header image that said "Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists" and put that IN the flash element as the 1st image always. Then I have the Title repeated at the bottom of the website.

    The text content of the website I just took from somebodies press release idea and the wording and everything can easily change. The map on the right can move or change or whatever. Originally I had the whole interactive bit that google allows you to put on your website, but it was too big and you couldnt actually see the streets under all teh crap. Soooo... The map is now just an image THAT LINKS to the google map if you click on it. No fuss, no muss.

    I still need to add the sponsor logos, but I need them 1st. Also, does anybody want any other info on the website? Bios? etc.

    PS: Only 1 person has sent me their image for me to use on the site, thus you all are being represented by repeating images of mine. :P Dont like it? Then email me your photo plz.

    -David Smith

  7. That person would be me...also, I think it's essential that the website, AND promotional materials should all look similar in design. I think it would look unprofessional if everything was different in style.

  8. I agree, please check out my new post. We are gonna have a vote on submitted logos and designs on friday. So if you have something, post it please by friday.


  9. am i mistaken in counting only 19 of us in the class on the ecommunity website? or are we just going to fudge it and say 20 because we like nice round numbers?

  10. danielle dohmen isnt listed but is in the class

  11. David, For the website I would suggest making all the type the same font and making it a smaller size (10pts). Myriad or myriad pro are both nice clean fonts. You can play with the boldness but it should look cohesive. Otherwise I think it looks great.

  12. also, the title and dates at the bottom should probably correspond to the logo we choose.

  13. Yeah, the font and all that will be adjusted once we get a consistent design down; same with the title and dates at the bottom.

    UPDATE: I removed everybody off the website except those that have submitted art so far. It looked bad having a repeated image be the placeholder art for 9/10 of the class. Send me your art picture and I'll put you back on the site. I also removed the Header graphic from the art selector in the Flash Element. Before you could select the Title graphic like you could any other piece of art, and it looked odd... so even though the main graphic is still there the thumbnail is gone. It will however still cycle back to the title graphic once it goes through all the other pieces... and I think it should.


  14. ps: Since I removed everybody off the site sans 4 or 5 people, the thumbnail selector acts a little weird... Its just because there arent enough images to fill the span. As soon as all the images are up it will work as it should.


  15. The site looks great David. Yea, I can't wait to see it with all of our images placed.

  16. Just a thought, I think the work (photos) should be shown in the same order as the names listed in text that follows the show description. Meanwhile, love the site-

  17. I already sent my image & gave my opinion - but the recent changes are GREAT. Thanks for taking care of the site
