Monday, March 30, 2009


Others have mentioned some important dates for the BFA Exhibition in the Gallery elsewhere on this blog, but here is all you need to know in one place. These dates and times are not flexible. Please make sure things go smoothly.

April 6 --please have ALL your label information to Janet in a Word document, using the format posted previously. Send this to Janet at, by the end of the day on April 6. You will be responsible for making your own labels if she does not receive them on time, and if they do not conform to the format, they will not be included..

April 10, between 12 and 2 pm. Deliver work to the gallery. This is the only time you will be able to bring your work in. If you work, have class, think you might be sick, want to go to the beach, or otherwise can't deliver your work yourself, please MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ONE OF YOUR STUDENT COLLEAGUES TO BRING YOUR WORK FOR YOU, and let us know by email who that will be. We will be laying out the show promptly at 2:15, so if your work is not there, we will not leave room for it. No exceptions. Sorry.

April 15, 5-8 pm. Opening reception. Invite your families and friends.

April 27, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Pick up work. The Daytona group will be bringing their work into the gallery starting at 1:15, and will need the gallery. Any work not picked up by 1:10 will be placed in the hall, at the owners' risk.

Thanks for your adherence to these dates.

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