Thursday, March 19, 2009


I just posted a wanted ad to craigslist:
If I happen to get any decent responses, I need people with trucks to volunteer to go and pick stuff up. If you are willing, please leave your name, email and phone number in the comments and I'll contact you. If we get multiples, I'll spread out the requests so that one person doesn't have to do all the pickups. Also, if you can think of anything else that people might be willing to donate let me know and I'll add it to the list. I think we're good on tools, and I figured we could probably find enough nails/screws between us. Paint, I'm not sure about, but I think we'd want our built walls to match colors with the building's walls right? So we need a sample of that paint color for when we go out to buy the rest of what we need. Also, Theo let me know how much we can get from UCF and how to go about getting it.


  1. Looks good. Should we add things like food/wine to the list on there in hopes of someone wanting to sponsor us?

    You may want to write specifically on there that if they sponsor us they will be recognized and such (right?).

    Also, I'm willing to help with pick up if we get responses but I don't personally own a truck.

  2. I have a truck. Im out of town this Saturday, but other than that I'm good. or 407-687-3525

  3. I have a truck and I'm available all weekend. My number is 321-438-6879.

  4. I have an explorer and can pick up anything almost any time during the day. I usually work on weekend nights and monday mornings.
    my number is 863-670-0952.
