Thursday, March 19, 2009

Contacting Press

I'll likely be able to do any phone calls to radio/newspapers tomorrow after I get out of work at 3 tomorrow (FRI.).  However, I have only been able to find a number for Becky Morgan at ARTBEAT.  Otherwise, I've only found #'s for offices at WPRK, Orlando Sentinel, and Orlando Weekly.  I have found e-mails for Lindy Shepperd and Terry Hummel (Orlando Sentinel arts columnist), but have been unable to find any information on how to contact Mary Frances Emmons directly.  


  1. As far as -mailing, is sending this press release acceptable? Does it need more introduction? Should I be the press contact (I'm not usually available during normal office hours)?


    Audra Darbyshire
    Driven Art Show (Company name?)
    my phone?
    my e-mail?

    Local Artists Transform Empty Storefront into Art Gallery

    On April 3-4, 2009, the storefront of the empty Mini Cooper dealership of downtown Orlando will be transformed into an art gallery featuring the work of local emerging artists. Sponsored by Fields Motorcars of Florida and OUC, the event will showcase artists from varying fields including photography, sculpture, painting, printmaking and ceramics.

    Featured artists include: Jasmine Baker, Christopher Berrios, Allisanndria Canfield, Joanna Carter, Michelle Collins, Audra Darbyshire, Julia Dodd, Danielle Dohmen, Aiesha Engineer, Michael Falk, Meredith Geiger, Ethan Kalebaugh, Kyle Leavitt, Rachel Levy, Kara McIntyre, Sean Repplier, David Smith, Kyle Waldrep, Ashlee Walters, Leanne Wilcox.

    The public is welcome to join and enjoy an evening of quality art from local driven artists who will be available to share their thoughts and experiences during the show.

    Driven: A Showcase of 20 Artists
    131 N. Orange Ave.
    Orlando, FL 32801
    April 3-4, 2009, 7p.m.-9p.m.
    Admission free


  2. Yes go with it audra. Contact as many people possible for it to be known, published, or talked about. Only thing is PLEASE mention UCF Catering Services as well. That must be in the sponsors list. Thanks!

  3. Orlando Weekly, Orlando Sentinel, Central Florida Future, Orlando Magazine, any Local Magazines, Winter Park something? Central Florida News 13, Channel 6, Orlando Advocate, FOX 35, Orlando Business Journal, any others?

    Christopher Berrios

  4. I believe you need ### at the beginning as well.

  5. If anyone has ideas of who else to contact, they should go ahead and do that. Like everyone else, I'm stretching myself pretty thin right now over all life's responsibilities.
    I'm going to stick with the contacts mentioned by Theo earlier.

    About UCF dining services, I am definitely including them. I there are any other sponsors people have contacted which I need to include, then I need to know ASAP. I'm beginning to contact people NOW.

  6. This is mildly unimportant but would you mind changing the spelling of my last name to Gieger instead of Geiger?

    -spoke to Becky Morgan
    -e-mailed press release

    -left message at office, sent press release to the station's general e-mail

    Orlando Sentinel:
    -e-mailed Mary Frances Emmons with press release (no phone # found)

    Orlando Weekly:
    -directed to Bob Whitby, sent press release e-mail to him (no contact information found for Lindy Shepperd)

    So...hopefully we get responses by early next week? It seems like ARTBEAT is very excited about the story.

  8. Someone under Orlando Weekly has already confirmed to come through Facebook. I guess its them. Seriously, can anyone help Audra contact other places??! Someone better step up to do in addition to what Audra has already done?

  9. Do you know who it is from Orlando Weekly? Will they be printing us in their events calendar?

  10. Okay, I just checked the facebook thing. I guess its a mystery person from O. Weekly. I'm still pursuing them then.

  11. Someone should call and write to Terry Hummel at the Sentinel...but under no circumstances mention that this is in anyway related to UCF... He has something against the school apparently and will undoubtedly find a reason not to mention the show if he knows...

  12. WE're running out of time w. the press... if contact isn't made with them EARLY THIS WEEK we will probably missed our opportunity. So contact Hummel immediately. And make sure both the Calendar sections of the Weekly and the Sentinel have the information for their listings.

  13. The only way I have found to contact the sentinel writers directly is via e-mail, so hopefully they resopnd. I'll send an e-mail to Terry Hummel too, and remove the "UCF" stuff.

    Does that include not mentioning our catering sponsorship?

  14. Hmmm... it's probably best not to mention UCF Catering if he has something against UCF.
    AUDRA do who else do you have to contact? I will contact some remaining people you cant get to. Please let me know of them or call me.


  15. I'm waiting for responses from Weekly, Sentinel, WPRK, and Becky Morgan. Hoping they respond Monday. I found a # for Terry Hummel (Sentinel), and was going to call him Monday and see if he would like me to send him a press release. Minus everything "UCF", of course.

  16. any idea if it would go out in UCF's daily morning e-newsletter if the Future knows?

  17. the future and the emailed newsletter are great places to promote, i can look into that if no else has already.
