Friday, March 27, 2009

we have lumba!

we have the lumber and other supplies. we unloaded them into the sculpture studio. we had to stack them in probably the worst place that we could, sooo we need to get things together in there asap so we don't wake the angry bear that is isenhour. everything is set up to get the drywall monday morning as well (Kyle I gave them your name. we can talk about it if you won't be able to get them. i'll update the budget probably tonight to reflect what we've spent and what we have left. i'll be in the studio today, friday around 2 if anyone wants to come in and get started, although we'll need nail guns, etc for that. i have one brad nailer but i may have to go up to home depot to get brads if you want to start today.


  1. Is there anything (tools, supplies, etc.) that you can think of that people could bring up there tomorrow. I am at work today and can't make it up there, but i would be glad to bring some tools and things with me tomorrow.

    Kyle W.

  2. SWEEET. I can actually help out both tomorrow and Sunday. What time are people gonna start on those days?

  3. here are a few things that we will need this week (not necessarily tomorrow). some of these i didn't want to buy until i saw how many we could scrounge together as a group:

    Paper towel rolls
    Large garbage bags
    Windex/Window Cleaner
    Paint Roller Frames (the things you put the puffy roller on)
    Extension poles for paint rollers
    Garbage cans
    paint trays
    cups or buckets for paint

    some things we need for tomorrow (i'll post more as i think of them):
    nail guns
    nails for nail guns
    measuring tapes

  4. Excellent, Ethan. Thanks for dealing with this today.

    I would suggest to all of you that have them to bring a cordless drill. If you don't have should get one. An invaluable tool.

  5. and jasmine. he meant ethan and jasmine

  6. of course.. sorry... I didn't read carefully enough. And Jasmine. Thanks!

  7. I will bring a cordless drill tomorrow, and measuring tape. I have a nail gun we can hook up to the compressor, but I haven't used it yet and the directions are weird about what size nail it can take. I think the largest is only 1.5 inch, so I don't think that will work for 2x4's, right? I'll bring it anyway....if it will work, I'll run to Home Depot and buy nails for it.

  8. I don't know how closely the pedestal sketches are being followed, but if they are being used, then I want to point out that some of the 2x4 measurements will change (specifically the horizontal ones) due to having been planned as 2x3's.

  9. definitely. i plan on making a prototype of a wall and a pedestal first so we can work any kinks out in the rest.

  10. thanks. Good luck with everything this weekend. I'll try to get there after work and help with whatever.

    I can contribute a bottle of glass/multisurface cleaner and paper towels.
    Also, for garbage cans could we clean up some of the barrels being stored behind the sculpture dept.? There's probably a cheaper solution, but....
