Monday, March 16, 2009


We may as well start a separate post about this. the budget post has turned into anything but. If you need a U-Haul for your work post here. I don't think I will need one, personally, so don't count me in yet. I'd prefer to get friends with trucks to transport stuff, especially if we're trying to keep costs to a minimum. But there are advantages. Anywho, put in your two cents about it here.


  1. i don't need a uhaul but like i said, i have an explorer that can transport things.

  2. I dont need a uhaul but i will need a ride/car to tranport my pieces to the venue.

  3. I would prefer to transport my pieces via a friend's or another classmate's truck.

  4. nope, good to go I've got transport covered for myself
