Saturday, March 7, 2009


Remember, you can only vote ONCE! I am slightly altering the names, such as exchanging - for :, and initial-capping the names, just for uniformity. I also put names next to each other that had similar themes or words. "Driven" is written just as submitted, hence one being all-caps and the other 2 initial-caps.

My suggestion is that each person only post once. If you want to argue a name, or against a name, put your vote at the top of your post and you argument below. That will make for easy tallying.

Suggested Names:

SPARK: Students Producing Art
Spark Plug: The Reanimation of Art
Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists
Driven: That New Art Smell
DRIVEN: That New Car Scent
Fresh: That New Art Smell
Up Shift: Taking Art to a New Level
^Shift: 20 Artists Building Momentum
New Floor Models: A Showroom of 20 Artists
Accelerate: From 0 to 20 Artists in One Weekend
Uncooped: Freeing 20 Artists
The Culmination: The Product of 20 Artists
Changing Lanes
Ranchless Newcastle
Unstrained Supersimplicity
A Cleverly Titled Art Show

ps: I dont think I left any out that were posted by Friday, as per our assignment. If I did leave any out than let me know; however, I dont think we should add new suggestions now. A lot of people didnt post names, and thats their loss.


  1. vote: Skimble-Scamble

    I am liking the whole "Driven" and "smell/scent" idea less and less each day. I really liked it originally but now it sounds corny. ^Shift isnt bad, but it reminds me WAY to much of the Nissan Shift_ campaign. I also dont see why we have to tie in cars at all into the show. None of our art has to do with vehicles, and hopefully the mini place will look more like a gallery than a showroom when we are done.

    Skimble-Scamble: I love it. It instantly gets remembered because it is unique. It is not trying to be witty, yet is very humorous and its definition works perfectly with our show. We have no overlying theme which ties all our art together. As far as advertising goes, we could have images which look like piles of messy paper or other clutter. If needed perhaps we could add a secondary title like
    Skimble-Scamble: A Showroom of 20 Artists
    Skimble-Scamble: The Product of 20 Artists

    Lastly, when I told me brother about our other ideas, he too thought they were corny; yet when I mentioned Skimble-Scamble he just laughed and said "Thats awesome." I agree.

    -David Smith

  2. Do I get a vote?

    If so, I like "Driven: A Showroom of # Artists"..

    It's clear. Simple. Refers to the space cleverly enough. I think a lot of the other names ideas can still be used--just incorporated into promotional efforts. The 'new smell' and air freshener ideas still works with this..

    (I think I should get two votes, btw)


  3. My vote is Quarter life or Shift. They're not corny.

    Other things to think about-Playing off ideas of no speed limits, travel time we've taken, highways..

    Artobahn...or Artobond.
    Right A Way

  4. I think i'll throw my vote in with
    New Floor Models: A Showroom of 20 Artists

    I know we don't need to stick with the car theme. though it has nothing to do with any of our work, it still provides a coherent platform for advertising and marketing, something i don't think skimble-skamble has. as well as the air fresheners, we may be able to pull off key rings.

    also, you probably need to set a closing date/time for this poll. say Sunday, 11:59 PM?

  5. My vote is for just the title SHIFT. I think it is simplistic and descriptive. To me the name isn't as important as the actual show. I don't think a name draws someone in, the art does.

  6. I like ^Shift as well, so I suppose that's my "one vote". Be it Shift or ^Shift or whatever (NOT Upshift)

    New Floor Models also isn't bad.

    However, I do not like Quarterlife in the least bit.

  7. My vote is ^Shift, or just Shift. We could maybe have something under it like, "Art excellerated"

    ^Shift: Art,excellerated

  8. I actually agree with what Theo said about having the more direct and simple name and then using the promotional material to be more creative. I think Quarterlife is the most poetic idea so far, but it does limit some of our promotional potential. I guess my official vote will be for "Driven: A Showroom of # Artists". With a group this large and diverse it is probally best to keep it simple for the over all title and then use the promotional ideas we already have. That will be the fun part. "^Shift" is a straight up Nissan rip off.

  9. I still like "Fresh: That New Art Smell", but it seems like everyone likes the more straight forward idea of "Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists", which is kinda boring to me, but okay since we can use cool advertising ideas with that. I also like Quarterlife a lot. Anything but "^Shift" or "Skimble-Skamble".

    No one is actually voting on here, we're all just talking. So...

    VOTE: "Fresh: That New Art Smell"

  10. Where are the other members of this group??!!

    Only 11 of you even signed up to contribute to the blog..and only seven of you participated in this naming discussion. WTF? Are the rest of you that apathetic?

    We should call the show "Driven: A Showroom of Seven Artists."

    Or call it all off.

  11. Being that people voted for more than 1 title there are more votes than voters (sigh) and I am having a hell of a time trying to tally.

    Skimble-Scamble: 1
    Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists: 2-5 (4 if multiple voting is counted, 5 if theo gets 2 votes as he requests)
    QuarterLife: 1
    Shift (or ^Shift): 4
    New Floor Models: A Showroom of 20 Artists: 2-3 (3 if multiple voting is counted)
    Fresh: That New Art Smell: 1

    I would just like to reiterate that ^Shift or Shift seems like a huge an obvious Nissan rip. I know I already voted for Skimble-Scamble and suggested that people only vote once... but nobody listened, so if I had to choose between Driven and ^Shift, I vote for Driven.

  12. My vote is for Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists

    I realize that it is late and may not count but I just got home from NYC (flight landed at midnight) and this is the first time I had access to a computer all day.

  13. I don't pay attention to Nissan commercials, so I didn't catch that ^Shift was a rip-off. In that case, my vote is:

    Driven: A Showroom of 20 artists. I think we should just make this decision final, since most of agree.

    As for the people who didn't contribute: How about they get last dibs, and less space on where in the building they show their work. People who have been contributing get more space. That seems fair. Or like Theo said, "A showroom of seven artists"

    Can we all agree to Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists" ??

  14. Also, I talked to an acquaintance of mine who DJ's at a lot of art events. I see him at art events frequently, so I know his music is chill and he wouldn't over-power the show. He's cool, and he's interested, but I thought I would ask all of you about it. I don't want some gansta rap DJ or some crazy one who wants to take over the show. Let me know!

  15. Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists is fine with me.

    For the record, I don't watch a lot of tv, so when I suggested ^Shift there was no underlying reference to that. I understand that you wouldn't want it to be seen as a rip off, but frankly most if not all artists are constantly rebranding a style, technique or concept and making it their own. We should be used to that by now.

    Should I wait for anyone else to chime in or should I go ahead and look for some web space to host this on? is taken
    which do you prefer:

  16. I would put that as a new post on the front page, but I haven't been able to get a working link from Mike to become a contributor yet. If someone who can wants to do that, feel free

  17. I like

  18. Ethan: Just sent you an invite for the 3rd time, hopefully it works ( right?)

    I resent invites out to everyone else who hasn't joined as a 'contributor' on the blog.

    Anyhow, I also didn't realize the whole Nissan ^Shift thing (I just looked it up, there's is "SHIFT_"). However, if we just make it something like "^Shift: art excellerated" as well as obviously creating our own artwork for advertising, I highly doubt anyone would see it and go "golly gosh, they ripped off Nissan, what a bunch of uncreative schmucks"

    With that being said, I also don't mind "Driven: A Showroom of 20 Artists"

    If we go with that I think the website should be (Ethan are you paying for the registration and hosting or are we getting money from Theo?)

  19. Thank you for re-sending the invitations to join. Not too tech- savvy.

    I vote for "Fresh: That new art smell"
    Although, thinking it over and getting opinions from outside people, I think that simply calling it "That new art smell" is more interesting.

    Its less stilted and still references the car theme, and everyone being new artists (and a little smelly), etc.

  20. i'm looking at jumpline webhosting. they give 10 gigs of space, ftp and browser uploading, apache and mysql databases, etc for a free 3 month trial, just cancel before the 3 months is up. the only cost is $10 for reserving the domain name, which i don't mind fronting just to get this show on the road. let's decide. we've still got people posting on this name issue, so i'll wait until 12 tonight and then i'll tally everything up as best i can. if there is a decisive winner we'll move on from there. if it's between 2 or 3 then we'll open up on another topic for one more day between those choices. sound good?

  21. it sounds to me like Driven: Showroom of # Artists has taken the lead with these last votes. Im not going to tally up the votes again because Driven was barely ahead or tied before and has gotten several new votes. So it sounds like the winner is:

    Driven: A Showroom of # Artists

    ...though I still like Skimble-Scamble, heh.

    I will start a new thread focusing on advertisement, since we really cant wait a week and a half till the next class to get started on this.

  22. I've registered us for I am waiting on some confirmation emails with account information in order to get going. David let me know what you need me to do. I don't have experience with Flash but I've done quite a bit of HTML, CSS and PHP.

    You can try and go to the website if you want, but as of will fail. because nothing is there. i'll update with a new post once hosting is all set

  23. My apologies; I've been ill. I'm going with Driven: A Showroom of # Artists.

  24. I apologize for being late- If it's not too late to vote, I vote for ^shift- Jasmine

  25. Sorry, for not voting I too got back from NYC today. My vote is "Driven: Show of # artists" I think it's clear and not too witty or over the top. It's fine with me. Also, I like "" out of those previous choices.

    Chris Berrios

  26. I really like the name that was chosen. Sorry I just now voted, I have had a very busy schedule the past few days. but good choice everyone!

  27. also, the website looks really good. is everyone's art going to go up there?
