Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Still to be done

a. Have you helped to get numbers to Ethan so he can fill in what he can on his budget?

a. printing (are flyers/posters and postcards ready for print)? Who is going to shop that job around for best price? Even if it's not ready to go (I'm still working on getting OUC's logo) you can be calling around with the specs and see who can print it cheap, well, and on time.
b. are we still thinking of doing the "air freshener" thing? What's going on with that?
c. do we have a plan for getting these things out (who, how, where, by when) when they're done?
d. media... I spoke to Becky Morgan at ARTBEAT on WUCF, on your behalf, and she thought this was an interesting story....someone needs to follow up with her. Also, I think WPRK is a good source.. and the Sentinel and the O. Weekly. Who is going to contact them?

a. what's status of dj? How does everyone feel about having one? Yes? No? Or typically indifferent.
b. what, if anything, are we going to serve? How is it going to be served (by whom, on what--we'll need tables, and napkins, and plates, and cups)? How is it all getting to the venue?
c. we'll also need a few gargage cans and plastic bags for clean up. Ice chest and ice.... a corkscrew..


  1. Media:
    Should we go ahead and send Becky Morgan a copy of the press release that we have on the website? (Reformatted?)
    Should we send the same to Orlando Weeky and the Sentinel?

  2. Yes.. but a personal phone call goes a long way...
    At the Weekly talk to Lindy Shepperd...
    At the Sentinel its Mary Frances Emmons..

  3. I just sent an email to Amber Mundinger at Downtown Confidential asking for a link to be added to their weekly email. Thousands of people receive this email each week and it has a local arts section.

  4. Im kinda indifferent about the DJ. I dont mind at all if there is one there as long as the music is appropriate for the event, and not too loud.

    I know somebody asked UCF Dining Services (or whatever its called) to be a sponsor and donate some wine. Has that been confirmed? Do we know what we are getting? In other words, will we be covered or do we need to look into asking another place as well?

    I had not really thought about food and am kinda indifferent on that as well. I dont really feel the evening will necessarily benefit from it, and it will mean a ton more cleanup on our end. However, I dont mind if people want food.


  5. we need to decide opening and closing times as well. and are we doing a reception and when

  6. I agree with David though I'm thinking the music may be distracting. What's appropriate music anyway, instrumental? It's too subjective to determine.

    So far, I've found to be the cheapest. For 500 4x6 color on both sides 14pt gloss runs $51.69. There's a five day turnaround. They also claim to be green. I don't know anyone who will print for free. I'll keep searching.

    Also, I could go either way as far as food. I'm not keen on the wine idea.

  7. I forgot to include... Do we need a press release or are we using what's on the website?

    UCF Catering Services (Same as UCF Dining) WILL provide in wine and food/hor'doeuvres. (Told you Theo)They have a lot of White Zin they need to get rid of. She will get back with me about exactly the amounts of everything. Also, I can get two tables and black table cloths as well.

    Christopher Berrios

  9. It is OUR responsibility to transport all items they provide us. I made that clear with her because she mentioned it to me. I we will transport everything they will be very busy with an event those days.

  10. KYLE: From Printing Services on campus.
    1000 flyers are $120.00
    1500 flyers are $187.25
    2000 flyers are $248.50


  11. I am anti DJ- Do we want another artist that we now need to recognize and promote, because that is what they are. DJ's are artists that will put their own creative spin on our event, and unless they are willing to be nearly non existant, I don't think we want another person to deal with-
    However, I am not anti music, and we can have it by using an ipod- (free)
    If we do have music, however it is played, I think is must be instrumental! No lyrics whatsoever! The one artist in particular that I believe is the perfect choice is Frank Zappa! His instrumental records are unique, fun, some is melow and some is upbeat, and many people know his work. It is guitar based and supper dupper hip, no cheese here-
    I don't think it would be distracting or create confict in terms of people having different musical preferences, not to mention, it's not stuffy classical (no offense to classical fans).
    Please check out these instrumental albums on the web:
    Shut up 'n play yer guitar
    Shut up 'n play yer guitar some more
    Return of the son of shut up 'n play yer guitar

    P.S. Please don't disregard this message until you listen to his music.

  12. We should definitely have a DJ. I know Greg and he is pretty good. What are you talking about promote? That dude knows so many motherf--kers that he'd probably end up promoting US. He's not some asshole professional DJ, just a lover of music and art. I do not oppose of Zappa of course, but I think he'd do a good job and would play for free anyway, right?

    I have a corkscrew.

  13. Thats fine, I don't know him so of course I have nothing to go off of, but if you say he is perfect for our shindig then very well, we could go with him-

  14. i agree music of any kind will help our event. no one wants a quiet room its morbid and boring.
    djs are nice and keep the atmosphere lively and entertaining. plus good ones, draw a crowd.
    either way, music of some sort please!
